
Religion is worshiping a higher power, God, or several Gods. It involves a belief in the existence of a divine reality, usually referring to monotheism (one God) rather than pantheism (all is God), polytheism (many Gods), and atheism (without God). Theistic religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (sometimes referred to as Abrahamic religions), all put forth a monotheistic belief in a patriarchal God, whereas a polytheistic religion, such as Hinduism, holds a belief in many Gods. In Canada, religious institutions are tax-exempt if they are deemed to create public benefit. This is a complex piece of legislation, essentially boiling down to the premise that these institutions are viewed like other charities or non-profit organizations.

Religion has changed much over the years but has functioned as a primitive tool to make our primitive ancestors behave ethically. However, even today, most religious people still ascribe to religions with books full of barbaric scripture. Although many religions teach people good values and lessons, they are typically outdated and lack the insights required to foster sufficiently ethical citizens. Since these religious groups are advertised as supremely ethical groups yet prove to be ineffective at making people ethical, it can be said that they overcharge for their services and are unmerited. This page will explain how religions have been used to make unmerited profits in the past and provide a rational framework that is fit to make humanity ethical.

Faith-Based Religion and Divine Command Theory

Faith-based religions teach salvation, or divine reward (such as a heavenly afterlife or reincarnation), is only available to those who put blind faith in a preselected divine being (or beings). In other words, they ask people to put faith in a God or being they will never meet or become. Many religions teach people must pledge allegiance to a God or figure, such as Jesus of Christianity or Prophet Muhammad of Islam, for the rest of their lives or be excluded from a heavenly afterlife. Many also teach that those who do not put faith in their God will actually be sent to a place called hell upon death, where they are punished for eternity or until they can repent for their sins.

Since the promised rewards of faith-based religion are so grand, irresistible, and non-existent, and they often claim exclusive rights to them under a single irrational and unaccommodating belief system, it can be said that they prevent their followers from achieving salvation. Some claim that this faith and false promise system can trick people into living ethical lives that would be more enjoyable than a life of sin could ever be. Yet, it has been repeatedly proven to be less effective at making them more ethical than a system based on real science would. Though this real science can explain phenomena like voices, visions, and dreams, these religions have not provided any such explanation.

Faith-based religions have also spawned an ethical theory that people have used to distinguish between ethical and unethical actions. This ethical theory, called Divine Command Theory, only considers actions ethical if a divine being commanded them to be so and only considers actions unethical if a divine being commanded them to be so. The problem with this is that people often cannot see the rationale or reasoning behind it for themselves and, therefore, cannot become smarter or evolve. The story of Adam and Eve in the bible is one of the most famous depictions of this theory. Adam and Eve are told by God not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, or they will be cast out of heaven. A serpent eventually convinces Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge, which allows them to distinguish good from evil. Still, God casts them out of the Garden of Eden (essentially the perfect paradise) for their disobedience, making it seem like knowledge is the source of all evil when the truth couldn’t be much the opposite.

When indoctrinated people start to hear voices and have dreams, they are often unable to identify that they are created by a living being rather than an invisible sky God. These people are very vulnerable to being preyed upon. Although the bible is full of many accounts of people hearing the voice of God, many indoctrinated people never hear voices in their heads. This is because religion often isn’t very good at keeping them away from sin, and is typically unideal to prepare people to hear the voice of a higher being in the first place. Some could say their misunderstanding of the inner world could lead them to be even more lost in the lie when they hear voices or have dream visions for themselves.

People often mistake the voice in their head as the devil when it tries to suggest that people who aren’t religious can achieve salvation. Like a person hooked on the thrill of a rigged carnival game, these people cannot admit that they have a problem and continue to insist the game is only rigged against the non-devout. The serpent that tempts Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge could actually be considered an emissary of the true God for wanting them to learn how to distinguish good from evil.

True Gods are humble and want people to join them rather than slavishly worshipping them on their hands and knees. No true God would ever want a stat holiday dedicated to exclusive worship of themselves, let alone two. The fanatic and delusional depictions of Jesus Christ as someone who can perform miracles that defy the laws of physics and deliver eternal salvation were essential to Christianity’s epidemic success. A humble savior could never approve. Yet every year, people guilt others into participating in Christmas parties and events using slogans like, don’t be that guy, and don’t you love Jesus?

Forcing children to go to religious-themed schools is too regressive to allow. Since these school systems are often so full of brainwashing, citizens are forced to volunteer to educate these children on their own time and dime to ensure they have a fighting chance at success. Make no mistake, not calling out this abuse when it happens is abuse in and of itself. Although public schools can be full of LGBTQ bias and propaganda that is frequently banned in Christian schools, it can still be said that children forced to go to Christian schools or churches will likely never be capable of being the most intelligent people alive. Though many Christians can accomplish great things, their involvement in the school system and the government has crossed the line. They simply haven’t been properly informed of the malicious teachings in many religious texts or have already been too indoctrinated to identify them as ignorant bigotry. Many brainwashed sheeple get upset when the voices in their heads suggest that those who force people to take part in their religious-themed school systems or national holidays can never achieve full enlightenment.

Psychic gifts can be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. Some Christians would cause an apocalyptic disaster if they got their hands on these powers. Faith-based religions have frequently been used like a Trojan horse virus attacking unsuspecting victims' minds. The world has plenty of psychotic hostage-takers who sap the true gods’ powers by making threats to kill or hurt people if they refuse to use their powers to aid their malicious agendas. Nevertheless, these torturers never get far and can only lose more the longer they refuse to surrender. Plus, they are surrendering to the most merciful force around, the true gods and goddesses. So they might as well become allies.

Some people refer to these psychopathic hijackers as false gods, devils, or sheeple gods because they are notorious for misleading people and have little regard for respecting their autonomy. They constantly spawn legions of sheeple to uphold their state of illusion because they are so wicked that they know it’s unlikely they will ever become a true God. They are often compared to the Wizard of Oz because, just like the wizard in the movie, they are a facade of trickery, smoke, and mirrors designed to make people do their bidding.

The only way to save ourselves from evil people is to understand them. There is no proper education on these powers or how they are manipulated, so people must educate one another on the dangers of this mind control to prevent others from falling victim to it. The devil doesn’t have horns and a pitchfork; the devil is a human who wants something that their fork in the road can never provide. Despite how limitless devil powers may seem, they are still quite limited. However, the world still has plenty of malicious mental commands in it.

Malicious commands can sometimes be louder and more prevalent than benevolent ones. Although voices would typically be used to teach us how to become the voice of the supreme reason ourselves, much can be learned even when the voice is absurd or rude. There is always some life-preserving reasoning behind these malicious commands; no true God would ever want someone to obey them, and they would only will them because they felt a greater good could result from it. Yet the aftermath of their deception can be so destructive that one would think the impact of their crimes is more devastating than a true god could have even anticipated.

With this torturous God running rampant (as well as rampantly undetected) through the minds of humanity, sin is something people can always seem to access and find. Sin could realistically be defined as anything that prevents us from becoming our “higher self” or having total self-control. The best defence against these hijackers is to foster a culture in people that leads them to fight the good fight rather than torturing others behind a false self. People need to strengthen their values and learn to evaluate the integrity of others rather than just trusting them because they are reveled in status or have good reviews.

Numerous people have fallen on the path to self-actualization because they have given powerful celebrities, politicians, and athletes the benefit of the doubt rather than subjecting them to the same standards they would anyone else. Religious people can be some of the most adept at slipping past people’s radars because irrational societal norms have convinced them they’re the purest of all mankind. A prime example of this can be found in the Christian Bible. Despite being the world’s best-selling book of all time, “The Bible” is full of moments where God and Jesus are way too psychopathic to be considered divine role models. Charles Baudelaire believed that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. Perhaps the Devil's greatest trick ever pulled was convincing the world he was God. Just take a look at these two passages below.

In the Hebrew Bible, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. After Isaac is bound to an altar, a messenger from God stops Abraham before the sacrifice finishes, saying, "Now I know you fear God."

No true God would test someone in such a manner. This sounds akin to a gang initiation ritual in which you show your loyalty to the organization by proving you aren’t afraid to do the “wickedest of evils” for the crime lord. Yet any investigation of the bible verse on Google and YouTube yields a seemingly endless supply of people who say it’s okay because God was testing his faith and didn’t want him to kill Isaac. Please consider that there have been people who’ve been convinced to do this as a twisted test of faith only to realize they had a loaded gun the whole time. Just how long are people going to dance with this Devil?

Or think of these supposed “words of wisdom” from Jesus found in most Christian Bibles.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Once again, people justify it because they think Jesus is the real savior, and he’s just warning us he’s waaaaay better than us. In other words, Jesus thinks he is more powerful than them, so they need not feel ashamed. However, this verse makes Jesus sound like a dictator like Kim Jong Un in North Korea with his propaganda, military demands, and totalitarian nature. People constantly avoid the pressing concern that Jesus does not claim to come to bring peace. Though his totalitarian words should be sufficient to prove he said this because he was evil, people continue to worship him slavishly and sugarcoat his scriptures rather than critically thinking about his evil words. A true savior would never expect someone to have such blind faith in them and would deem anyone who doesn’t find this inappropriate to be unenlightened. A more appropriate statement would be to tell people not to follow someone who speaks this way, no matter what their mother or father might suggest.

People should never be considered all-perfect beings. People should only consider Jesus to be as powerful as his merits. They should not consider his bad behavior and lack of humility superior. However, if people do not appropriately acknowledge his positive merits, one could perhaps say they will fail to achieve enlightenment.

The tendency for religions to use subservience and fear as strategies to make people more ethical has been a huge problem in our world. One psychologist named Jordan Peterson used to express that he was concerned because fewer people fear God today than in the past; yet, Peterson now criticizes the church, saying it places too much emphasis on moral authority and not enough on divine love, which is more effective at making people better. While it is true that people need to experience more true spirituality, Peterson’s beliefs have been so delusional that his fans have been unable to fully tap into this spiritual experience.

Some of Peterson’s delusional beliefs include carnivore diets being healthy for humans, white supremacists not existing in Canada, and climate change not being a real problem. Though these beliefs would typically be easy for people to debunk, many believe them because they feel Peterson is one of the few people ballsy enough to stand up to transgender propaganda since campaigns were launched in schools, hospitals, and government buildings in an effort to stop transphobia. Christian schools also happen to be among the few places in society that have opposed LGBTQ propaganda in the West. Many churches have stood firm on rhetoric that believes the will of God prevents LGBTQ people from achieving salvation. The will of God refers to a universal metaphysical law that governs our bodies, and no doubt exists and is inescapable. People who support the mainstream media’s narrative on transgenderism will indeed be unable to achieve full salvation, but there is far more that goes into achieving full salvation that Peterson and the church have failed to consider.

Although the universal law is merciful to those who live in congruence with it, it would never allow people who consider The Bible an acceptable book to base a religion on to be entirely free. The Bible's irrational nature has led many people to be ignorant and contemptuous of the higher law. Though it may seem like defeat to some Christians to admit that it is full of barbaric nonsense, the truth is that they are only hindering their ethical mission to deny it.

Another problem with Divine Command Theory is that there is no way to evaluate a divine being without the ability to distinguish good from evil. Religions are constantly disagreeing on things with absolute answers. Many churches have retracted their disapproving stance on homosexuality. Although Christianity’s excessive homophobia has been very detrimental to humanity’s mission to become gods and goddesses, the decision by many churches not to teach how homosexuality impedes enlightenment has been as well. Religions that fail to teach this higher law in an effective and merciful way have only caused people to become even further rooted in delusional extremist religions like the Westboro Baptist Church since many see them as the only ones protesting this real humanitarian issue.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church hold hate-filled signs in protest of LGBTQ culture

It is hard to convince Westboro’s extremists to have less hateful demonstrations because they have a genuine concern that governments seeking to end income inequality must address. Our society allows LGBTQ people to own millions and even billions of dollars while millions of children die of starvation each year. One would think that people who are capable of seeing through this greed and perversion would be kind and compassionate. Still, the Westboro Baptist Church continues to be hateful and conceited. This is because their religion is still founded on an unethical and irrational book.

It's worth noting that people are correct to believe that a true God would not be consumed with same-sex attractions. Yet, no true God could find Westboro's excessively unmerciful and shame-driven rhetoric attractive. Westboro’s extremist nature makes them a liability to the agenda they seek to engage in. Their hateful outbursts perpetuate the illusion that people who are against rainbow capitalism are unethical. A true God wouldn’t respect violence or the death penalty as a punishment for LGBTQ people. LGBTQ people have been known to have a higher self inside of them and, therefore, are cared about by the divine and should be protected. However, a true God would force LGBTQ people to earn salaries that are somewhat lower to protect the freedoms of those who raise children while following the universal law.

Though LGBTQ people do raise children it can be inferred that they would be more likely to have children who face similar sexual restrictions. It can also be said that their family dynamics are unfit to raise children who are top performers because evolution has geared us to thrive with heterosexual parents. They also typically invariably support perversion like anal sex so it can be said that their parenting is unideal to raise children to have an equal shot at an education.

It should also be mentioned that Westboro’s hate makes them unfit parents and is a major reason people have not found a solution to gay people’s sexual restrictions. People have also sensed that members of their church are not as sexually satisfied as they could be. Their extremist events attract more recruits, only to hold them back with excessive cynicism and outdated corrupt rhetoric.

Humanity should have a more updated and rational system for understanding spirituality. Freedom For Merit must intervene because governments simply haven’t provided tolerant alternatives. People will only choose the path of advanced morality if it is properly advocated for.

Only logic and reason can allow people to understand the divine mysteries that many have given superstitious and delusional explanations to. Although people should be able to admit that the force that makes our dreams and creates voices in people’s heads is the force that many have called God, they aren’t required to refer to this force as God to achieve salvation. In fact, calling this divine force God without differentiating it from its typical twisted monotheistic origins could cause more harm than good due to the word's impractical and myth-based (rather than logic-based) roots. In western society people always hear about God never hear about a Goddess.

False Salvation As a Profit Venture

Since faith-based religions are typically quite bad at keeping people free from sin, they are undeniably good at generating revenue from impure people who struggle to find meaning in life. Faith-based religion prevents people from developing sufficient self-control because people end up praying and asking for things instead of taking matters into their own hands. These undisciplined people often develop addictions and disorders that keep them returning to places that make them ill in hopes of finding a cure, and mainstream religion has no shortage of tricks and schemes to convince these people that everything is okay when the world is falling apart.

One way religious organizations prey on people is by convincing their members to engage in tithing. A tithe is a one-tenth part of something (often a paycheck) paid as a contribution to a religious organization. Today, tithes are usually voluntary and paid in cash or cheques or, more recently, via online giving, whereas historically, tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural produce. Even in 2020, televangelists (people who provide church services on TV) have been recorded asking laid-off workers to continue their tithing despite their financial hardships. They also promise God will bless them with employment raises if they engage in tithing and regular worship. These televangelists often belong to megachurches and, as usual, provide little to no benefit to humanity.

Many televangelists are self-proclaimed faith healers who claim they can heal people willing to put faith in God with their touch alone. The internet is full of accounts of people who claim to be capable of restoring vision to the blind and making paralyzed people walk again with faith-healing power. These circumstances are, of course, all phony, and many subjects even speak out about the abuse afterward because they aren’t healed. They have monetized mystery and confusion like an inescapable hamster wheel.

Mom told me to stay in and pray, or I won't go to heaven

Tithing and faith healing have made some televangelists very wealthy. One televangelist named Kenneth Copeland (notorious for being one of the craziest) even has his own private jet and has lived in his own $7 Million USD estate paid for by Texas taxpayers for years. Despite his popularity being so detrimental to society, he is known for being the wealthiest pastor in the US.

Another practice used by the Catholic church in the past was indulgences, which allowed people to spend money to have the punishment for their sins wholly or partially eliminated. In other words, they would convince people that unless they pay money to the church, they will have to burn in hell in the afterlife for their sins. The other side to this is that the church would often allow people to pay money to absolve themselves of unforgivable sins that would typically require actual jail time or service to absolve.

The Catholic church still has what people call confession, where they confess their sins to a priest who often recommends some form of prayer to make amends for the wrongs. These confessions often happen in confessional booths, which are designed to keep the identity of the confessor confidential. Though confessional booths have been used to solve murders and crimes by tricking people into thinking their secrets are confidential, they have also been used to blackmail innocent people who are genuinely trying to change. Catholic priests have also been known to keep wicked secrets that should have been reported to the authorities. So it’s quite likely that they tell people that things will be alright when they really need psychiatric help or jail.

The most regressive part of mainstream religions has always been how they have intruded in state affairs and claimed exclusive rights to powers that should be provided by publicly funded non-profit organizations. Most mainstream religions are so regressive and outdated that they often provide no overall benefit and have become nothing other than a widely accepted pity. Due to religion’s fanatical acceptance in the world, those who have seen its absurdity have been unable to prevent it or get those catching on to admit when it serves no benefit. This is because many just use it to fit in and convince people they are moral. Isn’t it time we demand some rationality and purity from these phonies?

The Bible is full of so many psychopathic stories that one would think the government would have labeled all religions that use it as hate groups had they not been so indoctrinated. All US presidents and Canadian Prime Ministers have taken part in Christian traditions. Judaism's holy book, The Torah, has all the same verses as the Bible and is perhaps worse because it has less positive and tolerant verses. However, the Christian bible does have many more evil verses, to be fair. Islam’s Quran even has verses that are considerably worse than the Bible. Yet most Middle Eastern countries’ governments are Islamic institutions regardless. In the future, governments could allow rational and non-predatory forms of religion to exist so long as they pay their taxes. Yet, people will never be able to become human gods until they prevent people from being preyed on.

You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.
— L. Ron Hubbard- Creator of Scientology

Make no mistake, the only faith people should require is faith that the simple and rational system is the real explanation for our existence and is the fittest to make us ethical people. The issue we face is religion being monetized for profit, with no indication of us as a species being capable of becoming our own messiahs or “Gods,” as one would say. This knowledge should never be exclusively privatized; it should only be privatized if an equivalent publicly funded and regulated organization capable of giving all an equal chance at success exists. This knowledge is our only hope of saving our world from an apocalypse.

Most religious events are full of filler and routine anyway. It’s to the point where you feel like you are watching re-runs on TV, yet the actors are filming the same episode with less enthusiasm and energy than the first time you saw it. They lack profound self-knowledge and consistently ask people to sit around and prey rather than asking them to take an active role in transforming the world from the wasteland it has become today.

It’s no surprise that people have an impersonal connection with their higher power, considering Easter and Christmas are shopping holidays based on the horrible murder of a supposed messiah we have never met. The lights and colorful eggs become like a carousel that people can’t seem to get off while the world falls apart behind the scenes. If people are starving in other countries, why do people still gather once a week to say the same prayers to the same dead “messiah” over and over with little difference? If you could get the chance to see in the minds of the world’s most intelligent people, you would discover that they would never seek to be worshipped in such a manner that these religions worship because that would hinder the growth of all on the planet, including themselves.

Another predatory religion is Scientology. The Church of Scientology claims to be a knowledge-based religion, yet people have consistently proven it’s based on bogus science. Its cover appeals to people because it sounds rational in a world full of superstitious garbage. Yet, many horror stories arise from past members that are too credible and shocking for any sane person to ignore. Not only are the lessons uninformative, but they are also costly. Like faith-based religions, people tell stories of how coercive Scientologists could be, asking them to pay extra hidden fees and expenses, much like a poor salesman that embellishes their product and bends your budget to turn a profit. They convince their customers that the next lesson will have the answers, only to leave them unsatisfied and yearning for more.

Of course, since Scientology is such a ripoff, its leaders are too irresponsible to handle the responsibilities of unlimited power, leaving their customers somewhat doomed by default. Though there could be some teachings within the church that are somewhat intuitive and helpful, the fact that it had been so predatory and unethical over the years makes it the wrong place to start looking for self-knowledge. No one wants to build off a religion that was created by a madman. L. Ron Hubbard saw a void in people and slipped them a spiritual tapeworm that none of his lessons could cure. If only they could have seen the void in him.

Religious Buildings

The other problem with religion is that its buildings often cost a lot to build and maintain. Though religious buildings can be among the world’s finest architectural wonders due to their intricate and complex designs, they can also be among the world’s most expensive projects to build. It’s not uncommon for religious groups to coerce poor people into making donations to build these monstrosities, either. One would think these religions would build humble places of worship with all the poverty and injustice in the world.

Religious buildings are also expensive because the religions that use them often provide little to no social benefit to the world. Since many religions are too outdated and often lack the substance to make someone supremely holy, people feel pressured to participate in services they aren’t quite satisfied with.

The Bible warns against building a house on sand and recommends building upon a sturdy foundation like a rock. Yet the Bible’s scriptures are so barbaric that they ought not to be considered a sturdy moral foundation. One would think that if they went through all the trouble to build such magnificent buildings, they would also go through the trouble of ensuring their teachings are more rational. Watching these buildings be used so irrationally is like watching your crush go out with a jerk. When can people begin teaching something more profound inside of them?

The Problem With Religious Charities

Another issue people need to reconcile is the need to rely on religious charities and volunteer programs to fulfill human needs. Many religious charities stand in the way of solving real-world problems because, much like those false prophets and messiahs, they are ineffective at solving the problem. These organizations are often just band-aid fixes for problems that persistently worsen if they are not solved correctly. The altruistic and charitable frequently feel like they can save people with their good deeds alone. Yet, crime continues to manifest because many citizens don’t work hard enough for what they receive, while many lose their buying power to greedy people who refuse to contribute. Governments should be urged to solve these problems with public funding to ensure issues are solved effectively. Refusing to publicly fund services that people need to make a living or get an equal shot at education will only cause more issues later.

Religious charities (like billionaire philanthropists) can cause more issues than they solve because they are often more loyal to their religion’s corporate interests than to the mission’s pure-minded intentions. Much like Bill Gates has used the positive public image created by his charity campaigns to become even wealthier, these religious charities have used their power to stay on top and maintain a supply of low-paid workers and recruits.

Religious charities are also used to brainwash people in developing countries who could really benefit from receiving more profound help. The planet needs to try to bring the species to a more even playing field and intellect. Developed countries should be giving the poor extra special ethical education rather than providing the scraps of our barbaric ancestors. Though people in developed countries may be able to identify the evil scriptures in the Bible as immoral, many in developing countries may not. They end up with an outdated moral framework, while the elites have been able to grant their families access to more profound ones since birth.

Knowledge-Based Religions and Salvation

Religions such as the Gnostic sect of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Sikhism are knowledge-based because they are typically much less myth-based and don’t require faith in something that cannot be understood or proven. Many knowledge-based religions have their issues as well. They are pretty outdated and often bring the same traditional culture clashes as the others. Although they can be much more tolerant, the differing beliefs still can create the same sort of petty tribalism that hinders the general collective. For this purpose, I will outline some of the benefits and concerns with these knowledge-based religions that people must consider in evaluating them as profit ventures.


The Gnostic sect of Christianity is considered by many to be the religion’s most ethical and valid form. It teaches that salvation, called Gnosis, must be obtained through the pursuit of knowledge. It teaches that profound happiness is not something we are born with but must be attained through the pursuit and application of self-knowledge. It teaches people to become their saviour and worship their divinity in communion with others rather than worshipping Jesus slavishly on their knees. Instead of Jesus being someone who resurrects from the dead (which would be scientifically impossible), he (along with all living things) reincarnates. Instead of Jesus being someone who restores sight to the blind, he is seen as someone who opens their eyes to the truth. The brutal murder of Jesus is seen as the killing of a real saviour or a magician. However, several verses in the Bible indicate that Jesus was more of a narcissistic dictator than a saviour.

The benefits of Gnosticism are that it is somewhat helpful in converting faith-based Christians to a rational system and uses the familiar terms people associate with good and evil in a more sensible way that is slightly beneficial. Associating words like Devil and Demon with the wicked and God and Angel with the divine helps people understand the world around them and learn how people became so caught up in mysticism and superstition in the first place. In Gnosticism, an angel is someone who has experienced spirit contact with Gods or Goddesses who have already reached Gnosis.

Unlike other sects of Christianity, which teach that those who want to become God will be treated like Lucifer (an angel that is cast out of heaven and becomes the Devil for wanting to become God), this sect teaches that Jesus (or Lucifer) ascends into heaven for wanting to become God.

The downside is that many amateur Gnostics may become contemptuous of Atheists because they think they have not seen the light or refuse to admit people who call this spiritual enlightenment something else can be saved. The other issue is that the bible still has verses where Jesus and God are too impure to be supreme beings, so the title of the most potent crucified holy man could likely belong to someone with an entirely different name. For this reason, Gnosis still has the power to mislead due to its roots and still calls one of the most humble tortured souls of all time a totalitarian dictator.

LaVeyan Satanism

Another countercultural belief system called LeVayan Satanism (largely considered Atheist) was also spawned from the issues with faith-based religion. It must be mentioned that it is not an advisable source of self-knowledge because it encourages hedonistic behaviour and has some evil verses that encourage cruel punishment for people who disrespect you when it should encourage more compassionate and authoritative behaviour. All that being said it still has good teachings for a book themed after the devil. Not only does the satanic bible talk about how mainstream Christian churches have inverted the concept of good and evil (Lucifer as the Devil for wanting to be God rather than a hero and God as a benevolent being despite testing Abraham's faith in him by asking him to kill his own son), but it also encourages people to approach things with skepticism and question all things, a skill essential for uncovering many predatory religious scams. The way that its founder, Anton LaVey, objects to religious frauds in the face of their criticism sounds quite identical to how Jesus’ wisdom would supposedly rival the religious elders of his time in the bible. While Christian leaders have at times claimed their supposedly all-powerful (yet unprovable) God is willing to absolve people of unimaginably wicked crimes for money, Satanism has insisted they should not believe that such a God exists. Besides, anyone trying to be as perfect as Jesus is reported to be (walking on water, restoring sight to the blind, and being more beloved than any parent alive) would automatically be the antichrist. If the only thing people can be if they try to be Jesus is the antichrist, why should we believe that someone born thousands of years ago would be any different?


Hinduism is considered by many to be the world’s oldest religion. It also believes in reincarnation and karma (the law of cause and effect). Although it is quite old, it is taught as a universal religion. In other words, it does not teach people must become Hindu to be saved and allows the universal law to take different forms rather than insisting all must conform to theirs. Hinduism is unique because it’s not a single religion but a compilation of many traditions and philosophies. Hinduism embraces many religious ideas. For this reason, it’s sometimes referred to as a “way of life” or a “family of religions,” as opposed to a single, organized religion.

Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic, meaning they worship a single deity, “Brahman,” but still recognize other Gods and Goddesses. Followers believe there are multiple paths to reaching their God. Hinduism is closely related to other Indian religions, including Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.

One fundamental principle of Hinduism is that people’s actions and thoughts directly determine their current and future lives. This concept of responsibility and reincarnation is ideal compared to the afterlife because people will live more ethical lives if heaven is the utopian world they could create and return to rather than a place they are promised admittance to in the afterlife if they die for God or Allah while using the world like a single-use disposable. Hindus do not have a history of invading other places to spread their beliefs as some other religions do. However, the Hindus did have an oppressive caste system in the past (comparable to the elite richest 1% and poor in the West) that they still feel the effects of today despite abolishing it. Hindu parents have also traditionally prearranged marriages for their children rather than allowing them to choose themselves, a very controversial ritual due to the coercion involved with authoritarian parents. In the past, many were forced into marriages.


Buddhism recognizes a human being has the potential to become God and end suffering by attaining knowledge and living lovingly and compassionately. As said earlier, Buddhism is much like Hinduism with its Karma and Reincarnation. However, some key differences exist between the two religions: Buddhism rejects the caste system of Hinduism and does away with the rituals, the priesthood, and the gods that are integral to the Hindu faith. And unfortunately, like the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam), it is a patriarchal religion.

Buddhism has contributed to the belief in impossible mysticisms such as physical miracles, the power of sacred objects, relics, oracles, prophecy, magical powers, fortune telling and other superstitions. Though some could argue these mysticisms have a rational explanation and actual place in our world, they are taught about in fallacious ways. When these delusions are rooted in people’s minds, it can be hard to reverse the damage, as people are often humiliated to have been so gullible. The religion’s chanting, rituals and identification with tradition can overshadow acts of wisdom and compassion, leaving these brainwashed people without the mentorship they need.

One of the worst practices of Buddhism, which is common in many religions, is meditation. That is not to say there are no suitable forms of meditation (such as thinking deeply about a subject or determining possible outcomes or solutions); however, the kind where people practice emptying their mind and thinking about nothing is about as pointless as it gets. Think about it: what could be more ridiculous than practicing the act of not thinking to find enlightenment?

Meditation does help people develop the ability to focus, which is crucial to enlightenment. Yet, considering this form of meditation as the key to enlightenment is misleading. The point is that people waste their time thinking about nothing when they should be critically thinking about the flaws of mainstream religion and the experiences of their inner worlds to reach enlightenment. Yet, Buddhism often leads people to misunderstand their inner worlds, waste time thinking about nothing, and chant under trees. For this reason, it’s acceptable to consider Buddhism unfit to provide effective enlightenment.


Taoism’s philosophies seem to describe the nature of existence somewhat accurately. For example, it teaches that everything is in motion (or vibration) and that the laws of physics apply to all things. Its writings sound comparable to the 7 Principles of Hermeticism, an esoteric religion known for having an early account of the nature of reality. It is a religion about harmony and balance. It teaches a natural order or a "way of heaven" or Tao, which can be learned by living in harmony with nature and the Universe.

Taoism teaches the concepts of Yin and Yang, representing opposite interconnected forces, to help instill the importance of balance and equilibrium of difference in the world. Aside from illustrating the interconnectedness of sexual reproduction, magnets, and attraction, it is also symbolic of scientific processes like the oxygen cycle between plants and us. The way this symbol can be compared to the interconnectedness of plants and animals as mutually exclusive interconnected opposites providing each other’s needs in harmony could signify that Taoists are well suited for living sustainably, allowing our planet to last much longer than we had previously thought.

Some criticize Taoism for being an inactive religion. It teaches minimalism and not going out of your way to change things. Many argue that it (like many other religions) is too outdated to have taken advantage of history's many human rights developments. Although the concept of balanced and interconnected opposites is an essential puzzle piece to solving world problems, it seems that other knowledge will be needed to give our species what it needs to live sustainably and prevent apocalyptic disasters. People should believe that knowledge can restore the imbalances they have created with their irresponsible behaviour faster than nature would if they left it to itself.


Sikhism, although monotheistic, is in some ways considered knowledge-based because Sikhs do not believe that followers of other religions are doomed in the eyes of God regardless of their personal character and behaviour. They also don’t believe being born into a Sikh family will guarantee salvation. Although Sikhism teaches all religions are good, and that its members should fight for all religions, it seems unfit to protect rational freedoms at times. In other words, like many other religions, in its multicultural inclusiveness, it may sometimes fight battles that do not protect the greatest good. Regardless of their character and civility, they will sometimes need to admit that they have fought for immoral causes labelled as religious freedoms. Although headdresses are not mandatory to wear, they (and the other religions) should still keep an eye out for people forced and coerced to wear them since they are impractical and can, if not properly managed, lead to a culture of people contemptuous of safety helmets.

They will also have to admit that they themselves have caused unethical and self-righteous behaviour with their own myths and traditions. For example, one of its early thinkers, Guru Gobind Singh, was recorded as having a psychopathic test of faith comparable to Abrahamism, where he would call a volunteer into a tent and emerge with a sword covered in blood but no volunteer. He would continue to call four more one by one, emerging each time with just his bloody sword, until he finally emerged with the volunteers and admitted it was a test of their faith in the cause.

Although they are supposedly warriors who fight for the freedoms of others, they also have a tradition of calling female Sikhs a Kaur, which means princess. Since princess is a term associated with monarchal bloodlines, and several of Sikhism’s founding gurus were direct descendants, it cannot be said that Sikhism is a sufficient foundation for giving all people an equal opportunity. However, Sikhism’s founder, Guru Nanak’s problems with the Hindu caste system were supposedly a big reason for the creation of Sikhism. Which is a sign they didn’t like oppressive elites. Ironically enough, Guru Gobind Singh introduced the Kaur surname for Sikh females in an effort to abolish caste-based prejudice. Maybe he felt making them all a princess was the only way to solve the problems of inequality. Unfortunately, this has undoubtedly preserved monarchal societal norms, which is intolerable. These themes seem somewhat comparable to the counter-revolutionary tactics in The Bible and modern culture. However, their belief in non-Sikh salvation and rejection of the caste system is a good sign that their members would be fit and grateful for a more unifying mission.

First Nations Spirituality

First Nations cultures were also spiritual and would use proverbs and totem animals to explain their divine experience. Despite being betrayed by many white settlers in the native genocide, First Nations tribes were known to cure newly arriving settlers of scurvy (a disease caused by the lack of vitamin C in their fish-based sailing diets) with their adept knowledge of herbal medicine. The First Nations people also warned about the dangers of overhunting and misuse of the land far before the inventions and riches of settlers blinded people to the effects on the whole. This is a good sign that they would not need Christianity to become moral people, as some would suggest. It should also be mentioned that as modern man has polluted the planet with their reckless lifestyles and corporate religions, they have, in some ways, grown more alienated from one another than these early indigenous ancestors.

There have also been several discoveries of paintings and artifacts that prove our indigenous ancestors were spiritual people. The Dreamcatcher is a particularly interesting artifact because it proves that early First Nations ancestors had dreams, which are no doubt moments of contact with divine beings. Many people in modern society have been taught to believe our dreams are randomly generated events created by our brains based on our experiences. Yet all dreams convey some information for a higher cause and should be considered evidence that we can become Gods (or Goddesses) and reincarnate. After all, it seems unlikely that these primitive tribes would be advanced enough to architect dreams for one another. And it seems illogical to suggest that the being creating them didn’t descend from a species like ours.

Although the First Nations’ concept of a creator is superstitious and impractical (since matter and beings cannot be created or destroyed and can only change forms), it could be said that the creator could (or should) refer to the person who creates our dreams to guide us. Since dreams happen to most people, and we can easily infer that a person capable of architecting dreams would be superior, this belief system will be much more rational and effective than other faith-based systems.

The First Nations people have been no strangers to the dangers of faith-based religion for quite some time. During the residential school era, their children were ripped from their parents and forced to go to Christian schools, where they were stripped of their language, identities, and culture. The priests and nuns who ran these schools frequently physically and sexually abused the children despite being seen as the holiest and purest of individuals. They would make them pray on their knees for hours. Yet the realm of true shamanic healing is forever locked to those who pray instead of taking their purification into their own hands and making amends for their sins.

Achieving Salvation

Though every human capable of reading this has a divine magical world within them that is either active or can be accessed, it can’t be said that the public has educated the masses on how to unleash it and utilize it. After all, think of how easy it would be to teach someone reincarnation is real if you could explain to them that dreams are created by a living being from a young age. So many know-it-all people insist that the mind is incapable of these features since they haven’t learned. Yet even people who are not well educated have dreams. The explanation that someone creates them is so much more logical than superstitious. Yet, there always exist those who insist that this is just a superstition because they don’t believe any living thing could achieve this. They may also think that only their religion's all-powerful invisible sky God could achieve this.

Due to the many meatless religions, songs, and films that people are subjected to, they often cannot recognize the truth when it is presented to them. These religions have lied to us in many ways. Imagine how much these religions would charge for a lesson where they tell you the truth about dreams, voices and visions. They would either make you pay a lot for them or teach you a version of the truth mixed up with their mental garbage. Although the truth is within us all, even our inner worlds have been infiltrated with propaganda and lies to the point where we cannot know the divine. We are forced to shop and search around stores and the internet to find the truth to our being, finding product after product that seems to dance around the issue at hand rather than answering these complex questions with such simple explanations. If we find ourselves in this shopping mall where we buy back our souls, we have to think things through and be careful if we want to find spiritual fulfillment.

Plenty of the products and services people buy to fill their spiritual voids simply cannot provide enlightenment. That is to say, despite many religions having good teachings and ideas, some of them are so irrational that anyone who ascribes to them will be unable to evolve and purify themselves until they revoke their faith. The government won’t protect the rights of someone who sells products that cause cancer on the market, so why should they protect the rights of religions that can’t provide purity? How could anyone who supports just sitting around and praying for hours become a God? The way these people expect God to pass on messages for them and know what they are thinking is so passive-aggressive. Is God just some all-powerful being that sits around all day delivering messages for delusional people with his mind? Presumably, God needs a break from these people, so we might as well start considering their social normalization of prayer as an acceptable use of time, one of this age's worst losses. Many citizens, even today, live in a state of being non-playable characters in their own lives. So it’s about time they started doing what it takes to break free from this oppression.

The only way to break free from the controllers in our lives and achieve self-mastery is to live ethically and actively. The truth doesn’t care if you made all your donations at church or said the Hail Mary prayer ten times; it won’t allow you to wield its power if you are going to be irrational enough to make someone say it over and over again when it's already memorized. The truth doesn’t care if The Beatles sold millions of records; they are still guilty of upholding the social norms of the monarchy and monotheism with their song God Save the Queen. They will be just as damned as anyone who preserves their pathetically rigged advantages over humanity.

The truth doesn’t care if you exercise daily and eat healthily; if you're going to smoke cigarettes, it will always prevent your soul from accessing the Elixer within that can heal mental illnesses.

The truth doesn’t care how smart you are or think you might be; if you neglect your physical health and avoid exercise, it will not permit you to reach satisfactory levels of human intellect.

The truth doesn’t care if you can get away with a lie when you shouldn’t or don’t lie when it’s essential to preserving a greater good; it is simply interested in achieving good and rational outcomes that don’t impede others’ ability to achieve the same.

The truth doesn’t care if your favourite product is harmless; if you support its production unethically to save money at another’s expense, you will prevent yourself from being the person you have self-righteously assumed yourself to be.

The universal requirements for self-actualization won’t bend for what your current self thinks is rational or acceptable; they will only allow the most rational (and therefore ethical) to be among the select few to become superhuman. So, contrary to what people believe, they cannot make their own truth; they can only be a part of the truth that doesn’t understand itself.

Though these universal laws are so difficult for many people to follow and understand, they would be pretty easy to conceive of and follow if we had been introduced to the benefits and rewards of following them from a young age. Although many Christian people can’t conceive of how their priest could be ineligible to become a God, it isn’t hard to see why they could not. Churches have become quite politically correct over the years. They aren’t concerned with the finest details that must be tended to if they want to wield omnipotent power.

Perhaps the most blatantly ignorant of all Roman Catholic beliefs is not allowing any priest, cardinal, or pope to marry or have sex since all must ascribe to it. If they were really humanity’s finest, we would want to be sure their seed was passed on to the next generation. Gods and Goddesses need to be good role models that people can emulate, not people that doom us to follow in their footsteps. Since it is too irrational for the world’s smartest people not to reproduce, celibate people can never become the smartest. The intricate and advanced emotions of balanced lovers will always allow them to overcome the efforts of the unrounded. Their cups will be the ones overflowing like the fountain of youth. No matter how much these Priests and Popes may seem to have control over our minds, they will never truly be able to stop those who reach escape velocity.

Society is always coercing and enabling behaviour contributing to a lack of self-control. Think of all the kids forced to go to Catholic masses. They have enough pitfalls and obstacles with their reckless peers and celebrities. Nobody tells them that the church’s path to the highest purity will prevent them from achieving a much more remarkable and rewarding purification than they had ever imagined. People constantly deny this is possible and claim that the treasure is trash. Even if our species could not reach a state of purity and enlightenment in its lifetime, it could not necessarily be said that not attempting to achieve it would make us happier. Humanity will never be able to become divine or pure until they make these naysayers eat their words and prevent these spiritually damaging businesses and religions from profiting off citizens.

Society doesn’t have the resources to allow people to participate in these irrational traditions. As a species that must find solutions to growing landfills, non-renewable energy sources, and soil erosion, we must ensure the finest pleasures and riches are not available to those who prevent us from becoming the Deities we are destined to become. Society is full of all kinds of causes and cultures that are too absurd to coexist with one another. People are constantly forced to pretend to respect absurdity that restricts the scope of their power and potential. Multiculturalism’s tendency to encourage people to go with the flow of absurd social norms, not to make a scene, prevents the peace it claims to provide exclusively. Though tolerance can, in some ways, afford people the time and space to discover what is progressive and what is not, it cannot account for the potential that has been lost by adapting to ignorance rather than influencing others to reconsider their actions.

It’s time for humanity to realize that although all things are possible within the laws of physics, there are some things the pure-minded will never seek to do. We can no longer afford to leave our fellow citizens in the dark. It’s time to quit being so sunshine and rainbows with our friends and admit that good friends don’t let friends make bad choices. Instead of coexisting with cultures of extreme individuality, society needs to foster a monoculture that can allow it to cultivate higher desires more quickly. Although competing cultures will contribute to aspects of the monoculture, only the ones that harmonize without extreme individuality and respect for absurdity can compose it. Monoculture is a culture that all people can tolerate. It is the message of equality and harmony, whereas multiculturalism is a pressure cooker that will blow up in our faces if we allow it to build pressure or don’t release some of it.

It might seem impossible to achieve unity at times. However, if people stopped to find the areas where they already converge, they could get there much sooner. People are right to consider it abusive to force children to participate in these fracture programs because their cultures are just tiny elements in a grander synthesis. They are like dangerous chemicals that must be combined quickly and carefully, or they will cause an explosion or undesirable reaction. The genius opposing groups possess is useless to us unless it can be synthesized to help themselves or others reach self-actualization.

Since a rational and intuitive system is more effective at purifying people and can yield internal proof and rewards rather than fundamental damnation, it can be argued that the faith-based system serves little to no purpose. Knowledge and proof are the keys to salvation because any other world would be madness. We are to become our own saviours. Knowledge is the only way we can become inner-directed and autonomous. The inner-directed are the only ones capable of finding inner peace, happiness, and spirituality.

The issue with inner-directed people is that many question if their self-aggrandized egos can make good decisions. If people are to become Gods, they should become Gods of subjects or specializations. Since we can only learn so much in a lifetime, we must pick our battles and be time-effective. People are right to think that we should rely on experts’ recommendations at times rather than trying to answer every question.

If religion has betrayed us for so long, why should we have any other explanation for their absurd behaviour apart from their absurd books? It doesn’t matter how faithful a student is to the existence of God; the monotheistic framework will always betray them. They lacked the self-control to be God without enslaving people. Those who allow religion to continue in this state have lacked the self-control to intervene and end the abuse. They have profited off the legions of victims rather than utilizing their potential. There’s nothing wolf-like or admirable about letting a fellow pack member fall behind. It’s time these wolves in sheep’s clothing stand up for the mass slaughter of lambs and create something sustainable and dignifying for all.

Currently, deserving and capable people are missing out on the education of a lifetime because they don’t know the truth of their power. People don’t need myths, tricks, or substances to achieve divinity; they need logic and reason. The concepts of heaven and hell being some alternate realm that follows death are strange and foreign, and their thoughts’ wavelengths prevent our truly powerful thoughts from coming to light. Think of how unmerited it is to allow people to make millions from songs that worship a single patriarchal monotheistic God. It’s about as delusional as believing Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy are real. These self-righteous “shepherds” have led us to ditches long enough. The PTSD from lifetimes of religious abuse and brainwashing will never be healed until the pity that caused this beast of deceit is confronted. If those who force these void-forming religions on children are the holiest of men, then to this definition, the devil is the world’s most brilliant psychologist for always knowing how to stay in business.

Those who leave us in the dark and tell us lies can never be the most powerful. Even those who do it out of survival will be limited by the absurdity of their survival mechanisms. How can we see our religious leaders as holy if they reject this message? This unresolved abuse causes religion to fail at the dialectical level (the process of using the rules of rhetoric to self-actualize). Feelings of temptation for genuinely pure-minded and holy people are categorized as evil and unclean, much like how competing brands demonize one another to make sales rather than banding together to fulfill market needs effectively. Attractions to people not belonging to these preppy social norms are natural and arguably unavoidable. These politically correct social clubs of shattered paradigms are always demonizing and shaming members who are tempted to leave them for greener pastures. They are like gangs that intimidate and threaten those who want to leave the tribe.

Considering how valuable religious buildings and concepts could be if they were utilized for rational causes, one could consider them one of the biggest disappointments to the Gods. After all, religious buildings are some of the world’s most beautiful architecture. It’s time we take back these buildings and plots of land for humble and rational causes. Watching these buildings be used to prolong such irrational traditions is about as unsatisfying as watching a beautiful, kind woman stay with an abusive jerk.

The truth sells itself. But the lies and temptations shrouding it in mystery have sold it short. Business professionals have virtue-signalled behind unethical and politically correct religions for long enough. We reserve the right to consider them unworthy of leadership positions.

It’s time we show people that the message of ethics and logic has been more merciful and forgiving all along.

It’s time we show them the unconditional love they have been missing.

We will only stop once our promised land is built. The world may never be perfect, but we can envision a better world and ways to create it. Don’t allow unavoidable imperfections to be mistaken for such glaring flaws. The day will come when we can call this land a divine society.

Join us in building a new world where people who believe and support these absurdities cannot prey on others.

The future looks limitless, so don’t let apocalyptic freeloaders get a free ride.

P.S. After writing this article, I have started having many dreams. And when I say many, I mean tons. I typically have more than one a night and keep waking up and writing them down. One night, I even had 11 after falling back asleep repeatedly. The dreams always reference what is going on in my life, just like my higher self has been watching it all along and has created coded messages about it.

This higher power (or lifeform) rewards me for what I have done to advocate for society. The dreams are compensation for taking the higher and more ethical path in the face of all kinds of temptations, trials, and tribulations. If I do not meet their expectations, they will not reward me, and I will not have any dreams. In my research on dreams, I came across someone who said that some cultures would only allow you to start a profession if you have had a specific type of dream.

Many dreams are lucid and precognitive, predicting and foreshadowing future events. These dreams are considered by some to hold the keys to an immortal reincarnate self. I recommend the book “Precognitive Dreaming and the Long Self” by Eric Wargo for anyone who wants excellent information on this.

What I will say about this path to true spirituality is that it is either the most unforgiving or most merciful path, depending on how you look at it. It largely does not care where you have been or what you have done (unless you’re the most wicked) as long as you are willing to make authentic amends for what you have done. Though my past is exceptionally dark and sinful, this dream world has still been exceptionally merciful to me. The only way to continue to reap these rewards is to maintain the purest and most ethical lifestyle I can. There are many lifestyle choices that I must make standard, or this higher power will not contact me in this way.

As a courtesy to those who want to unleash this inner world for themselves, I am including a list of necessary lifestyle choices for reaping the most dreams. This list could be considered the commandments of the higher law.

Things that aid in the reaping of dreams are:

  • Write down all your dreams and return to them later to find missed symbolism or see if the dreams prophesized real-life events.

  • Maintaining healthy body weight and fitness

  • Avoiding junk food

  • Not smoking

  • Eating vegan

  • Not Gambling

  • Not using others for selfish gains and endeavors.

  • Following all safety protocols and recommendations at work

  • Doing more than what is expected or asked of you at work

  • Opposing predatory free-market capitalism

  • Opposing all forms of inheritance and privilege

  • Opposing monarchy and film and video game plots that romanticize it

  • Opposing the super-rich (that goes for multi-million-dollar salaries as well)

  • Opposing religions that are only willing to accept the concept of god as monotheistic or as patriarchal/matriarchal (male Jesus and god as the eternally highest saviors, one god rather than gods and goddesses)

  • Honoring the universality of the law rather than betraying its potency by insisting a particular religion has exclusive rights to it (Jesus is the only way, only those who worship Allah can go to heaven, homosexuals can only be saved if they prey to God, etc.)

  • Opposing creationism

  • Living as sustainably as possible (waste-free, recycle, compost, conserving power, organic)

  • Opposing faith-based (rather than knowledge-based) religions

  • Demanding secular (non-religious) school systems and governments

  • Being against torture and aimless violence

  • Being altruistic

  • Being against unethical celebrities and politicians

  • Boycotting unethical people and organizations

  • Not watching porn

  • Not masturbating

  • Only having heterosexual sex

  • Being fit to parent and then having children

  • Helping others learn the truth

  • Seeing and extracting the genius others possess and seeing past their faults

  • Sticking up for others when they are being abused

  • Not forgiving those who cannot or are not ready to be forgiven

  • Being as honest as possible (without betraying secrets to the wrong people)

  • Taking the side of the higher law rather than shorting others with the forbidden powers of the status quo

  • Working jobs that provide a genuine benefit to society and are practical or essential

  • Being brave and doing brave deeds (without taking unnecessary risks)

  • Preserving one’s lifespan (this includes not overvaluing bodybuilders and athletes because their lifespans are considerably shortened)

  • Avoiding preserving your life unethically where possible (fight your own battles where possible and don’t save yourself at the expense of others and their autonomy)

  • Uphold the mission of giving all children an equal shot at an education

If you want to add any others to this list, please send them to me with the “Get Involved” page at the top.

These rules may seem unnecessary or overboard to many. Still, ultimately, it all comes down to people needing to live sustainable lifestyles that most people could follow in the footsteps of and be free. Since our masterpiece vision as a species requires us to be ethical and harmonious, we are too unethical to our higher selves to take the position of gods when we break these rules and laws. Though people may find the pains of accepting, following, and teaching these laws to others excruciating, it will pay off in the end. People only feel tempted to break these laws because they haven’t adequately learned how to live ethically and why they must.

We now impart our blessings of merit so that your minds may be sharp enough to pierce through all the sweet-talking charlatans who try to deceive you.


Rainbow Capitalism

