

Monarchy- a political system based upon a single person's undivided sovereignty or rule. The term applies to states in which supreme authority is vested in the monarch, an individual ruler who functions as the head of state and achieves their position through heredity.

Historical and Modern Appearance of Monarchy

Monarchies emerged out of war and extortion alone since the beginning of time. Although First Nations tribes elect a chief, the chief is typically not chosen by heredity or bloodline but by their merit. Canada has placed monarchs on its coins and bills since the Royal Canadian Mint started production In 1908. Although the queen is not the country's leader, displaying her face on coins and bills from 1952 until 2022 has undoubtedly caused unrest. And why shouldn’t it? Monarchy is certainly one of the worst forms of government. It forces an entire population to respect someone who did nothing to earn their title other than having the luck (or misfortune) to be born in such a position. Like an inheritance, no one deserves a crown like the queen. Even little girls who clean their room and eat all their vegetables aren’t allowed to be on a coin. Perhaps putting them on a currency could be justified if they achieved something remarkable or made a significant academic discovery. However, the queen is nothing but an unjustifiable birth rite.

The issue with having monarchs on the money is that only people who reject the concept of such an absurd form of governing can be genuinely free of spirit. Yet, every person in the giant stretch of land must use legal tender money that honours the monarchy. A government that forces citizens to use a currency with monarchs at any time will fracture all of its citizens by default. The norm of monarchy is so outdated and irrational compared to our planet’s level of technological advancement that it seems royal coins should have only been invented as a practical joke to prank newcomers. Yet the problem is real, and the leaders lack the ambition, insight, and awareness to solve it.

Martin Luther King mentioned during his noble prize winning civil rights speech that racists who had once gotten away with grotesque arguments for upholding inequality would begin to look extra wicked as the populous awakens to their wickedness. Excuses for not standing up for others’ safety and rights will no longer be valid or justifiable. He also mentioned how people would wrongly suggest that time heals everything. This is because, without action, evil can use the time to exploit the good. The longer humanity refuses to stand up to monarchal themes, the greater monarchy’s evil influence becomes. Though monarchs don’t have the same governmental powers in the current age, the longer society respects their absurd traditions, the more potent the element in the criminal cocktail becomes. It seems no coincidence that the killer in Canada’s deadliest mass shooting had an obsession with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Canada’s national and federal police service). The absurdity of the RCMP’s allegiance to monarchy has undoubtedly prevented many officers from acquiring a sharp mindset to stop crime. Two of Thailand’s worst mass shootings involved one soldier of the Royal Thai Police (RTP) killing 29 people in 2020 and an ex-RTP officer’s rampage involving a daycare that killed 38 people, 24 of which were children in 2022. 

King Charles is gifted a horse while he is appointed commissioner-in-chief of the RCMP. Reporter Britnei Bilhete explains the RCMP’s history of systemic racism.

Every monarch to ever carry on Britain’s royal bloodline has been white, and every prime minister in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK up until 2022 has also had an almost entirely white lineage. All of those countries, minus the UK, historically consisted of an indigenous race with a different skin colour, yet every time I go to the bank, I am given more bills and coins with monarchs printed on them. What does the average person have to gain from allowing these greedy white people to maintain their advantage any longer? Their privilege has spawned a whole new level of indignance among citizens. Did we mention they don’t have to pay any taxes on an inheritance? Well, they don’t, despite other citizens having to. When will humanity unrig this race and confiscate all petty privileges once and for all?

Look at how these people react to the queen’s death. It’s hard to tell if they are trying to seem sincere or if that is just how ingenuine their lives have turned out as a consequence of supporting this stale tradition. She was pretty old, and preserving her fame didn’t serve anyone. These people constantly slip under the radar of people who sense they are being insincere but doubt their instincts because the news rarely covers a story where people cry so inauthentically. How could the average person ever care so much for someone given such absurd rights and privileges over others at birth? If these royals want a life of happiness, they should exchange this hollow external power for a more ethical power that the divine would genuinely value. It’s time humanity quits kidding themselves and admits these ethics aren’t legal tender in the realm of the pure.

When it comes to traditions as doomed as these, it’s only a matter of time before people refuse to meet their absurd social expectations.

Monarchy’s Impact on Humanity

Monarchy is essentially evolution’s mistake as it gives one bloodline supreme rule over many others. Evolution’s ideal conditions require everyone to get an equal shot at an education and none to be given favourable treatment for any opportunity unless they have proved themselves from identical upbringings. Our gene pools must be diverse, and all citizens should be well-educated. Nothing is impressive about the links monarchy still has in modern civilization, and no crime fits the punishment of using coins and bills with the face of someone appointed by birth rite alone. Monarchy escalates crime and rewards people who keep quiet about this horrendous abuse, while the whipping boys are restricted from learning the knowledge these royals hoard. Printing only white people and white monarchs on every coin and bill is one of the most passive-aggressive crimes a government could commit against our education. If there were any rhyme or reason to printing monarchs on the coins, keeping the secret to us here would do nothing. If they print someone as dully appointed as the queen, there should be no excuse for them not to include members of other races. First Nations people have been the most affected by the all-white leaders and currency, so they should have some unique perspective for understanding its effect on people. The Monarchs have been too mediocre to deserve the right to choke out all other races like some invasive species. Humanity must retaliate for the sake of future generations.

A society with divine-minded citizens will not make you work extremely hard for people that support royalty and monarchy. A compassionate society will reward the most merited and eliminate the absurdities of the birth rite. The only birth rite anyone should be offered is an equal opportunity. Suppose there are children with inner worlds full of visions and voices as honest and reasonable as our finest geniuses who create them.

Why must our system run like an extorting gangster that acts like they have “no idea” what they're talking about whenever the children tell them it seems unfair?

If there are children who can’t hide their true feelings about the absurdity any longer, why should we sit idly by while others force them to carry the broken pieces of this shattered paradigm and expect them to even go through the motions?

When will they take a stand against these nightmarish fairy tales?

Monarchy’s Propaganda and Enablers

A picture of a newsstand in Vancouver, BC, taken on December 14, 2022. The queen died on September 8th, 2022.

Over three months after her death, she still took up four spots on the top rack.

Yet not even a month later, on January 2, 2022, the newsstand shows a whole new series of magazines with the royals getting another wave of exclusive coverage again. This time two magazines were entirely dedicated to the long-dead princess Diana.

One of the biggest reasons that monarchy still exists is that it has been romanticized for years. From Disney princesses to Super Mario’s princess Peach and the Legend of Zelda’s princess Zelda, our society is full of monarchal themes and images. The works are often such flashy and high-budget productions that before you know it, you can hardly stop playing or watching a game or movie that partially enables this misery. When will they make a game or movie where the hero saves the princess by disassembling the monarchy? No one who refuses to stop prolonging monarchy can ever be a true hero. They would be like a psychologist who secretly ills their patients to ensure they always return. Monarchs, after all, were notorious for making people slave away for minimal reward, while the kings and queens skimmed all the finest off the top. And the heroes in these games tend to go through the same, working very hard and killing many monsters only to have the goalposts moved on them constantly. No wonder the princess was always in another castle; this formula assured evil would grow faster than the uneducated could ever anticipate.

Historically accurate reenactment of a modern man on his way home from work.

Electing leaders on birthright is so unfair and irrational that those who support it significantly bamboozle others. The advantage that results from this confusion unconsciously drives people to keep making monarchal games and movies. Whether people like to admit it or not, these franchises are still guilty of upholding monarchy. Those who can’t admit this when it is presented will never be crowned champion of the most divine endeavours. Yet, movies and games can often be so fun that people stumble into these pitfalls for lifetimes because they cannot grasp how much they hinder a privilege-free society. Certainly, many people at Nintendo have wished to see a game where the hero saves the princess from being trapped in a gluttonous system that lacks self-control. Yet it seems their finest ambitions have been restricted and propagandized, much like our supermarket tabloids. At the end of Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, after the hero Link kills numerous gargantuan bosses, Zelda is returned to her kingdom and says, “Oh Link, I’m Home.” Then all the sages agree to support Princess Zelda and safeguard the land of Hyrule.

Ike from the Fire Emblem series convinces Queen Elincia to rule the Kingdom despite the fact that she doesn't want to and has been given no training

Ike from the Fire Emblem series coerces Queen Elincia to rule the Kingdom despite the fact that she doesn't want to and has been given no training

There have also been legions of influential celebrities and public figures who have supported the queen.

The Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney tweeted: "God bless Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace. Long live The King." Over the course of his career, McCartney, who wrote the Beatles' “Her Majesty” for the monarch, estimates he met Queen Elizabeth II “eight or nine times,” and “each time she impressed me with her great sense of humour combined with great dignity.” The Beatles have sold more rock albums than any other band worldwide. For a band that many consider to be the revolutionary type, it’s pretty disappointing to see that Paul spent so much time with someone who has made meaningful reform practically impossible for decades. He certainly can’t be doing all he can to bring this change into reality.

Sir Elton John tweeted he was "deeply saddened"” Elton has collaborated with some of the world’s most famous artists, including Eminem, one of rap’s biggest names. He quite concerningly conforms to an old-world paradigm despite many people describing him as a non-conformist that challenges the status quo for a noble cause. Oh no no no he surely mustn’t be the man many think he is at home if he’s burning all his fuel out here.

Daniel Craig, the lead role in James Bond (perhaps the most famous action movie franchise of all time), appeared with the Queen in a skit for the London Olympics and said she had left "an incomparable legacy and will be profoundly missed"” His film, No Time To Die, broke the record for the most explosives detonated in a single film take. Actors playing James Bond constantly show several signs of psychopathy in their respective portrayals of a ruthless assassin, replete with superficial charm, glib one-liners, grandiosity, the tendency to manipulate, shallowness, callousness, lack of remorse, irresponsibility, a parasitic lifestyle, impulsivity, the need for excitement and, of course, constant one-night stands. And Daniel Craig is considered one of the worst. For a film that preys on the immature and shallow psyche of toxic insecure men who fantasize about being as powerful and admired as James Bond, it should be expected that this move by Craig will only increase the amount of toxic macho man masculinity in society despite these types being portrayed as the polar opposite of people as frilly and pampered as the royals. Perhaps if this psychopathic hero didn’t conform to a social norm that directly opposes the people's best interests, there could be some redeeming value. What will it take to instill some proper etiquette in them? If only the head of MI6 would also take a strip off him for prolonging the interests of the monarchs.

David Beckham said her majesty had served with "dignity and grace" until her last days and had comforted the country when "times were tough". David Beckham held the record for the highest annual earnings for a footballer. For someone who is considered by many to be one of the world’s greatest athletes, his baffling sentiment has sure made it a lot more difficult for people to stay active. When he dies, citizens will never forget his expert skills at bending around the ethical inquiries of people seeking to end privilege, so he doesn’t have to deal with them head-on.

JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, said the Queen had done her duty "right up to her dying hours" Some may find the outpouring of British shock and grief at this moment quaint or odd, but millions felt affection and respect for the woman who uncomplainingly filled her constitutional role for seventy years," she tweeted. JK Rowling was the first author to write books to earn over a billion dollars. And that record was broken as early as 2004. Yet people still advertise her as a beacon of hope for homeless people despite how much she has infringed on others’ opportunities and possibilities. Her actions are sure to spawn legions of impotent non-magical muggles.

Rocker Ozzy Osbourne tweeted a portrait of the young Queen with the message: "I mourn with my country the passing of our greatest Queen. "With a heavy heart, I say it is devastating the thought of England without Queen Elizabeth II". Despite claiming to have bit the head off a live bat onstage, Ozzy won a world record for the Longest gap between UK No.1 albums with his band Black Sabbath. Yet now he’s refused to stick it to the man and has sided with the absurd spectacle. So much for that non-conformist badass persona. It seems Ozzy will do whatever it takes to preserve his fame.

Bono from the band U2 praised the queen at a global initiative saying that he was sad with them and that he was sure the values she espoused and epitomized will be needed tomorrow. U2 held world records for highest-grossing music tour by a group, highest annual earning for a band, largest album launch, and most grammy awards won by a group. How will we ever wipe his songs of “innocence” from our memory?

Music mogul Simon Cowell (perhaps the most infamous talent show judge of all time) paid tribute to Her Majesty's ability to "balance great leadership, tradition and progression"” Simon Cowell's Got Talent series has been confirmed as the world's most successful reality TV format. For a guy known for being a snob to people who aren’t up to par, it saddens us to see that he refuses to insult such bland and status revelled people. Yet, for a show that’s constantly underpaying some of the world’s most talented singers while propping up overpaid status revelled judges, it should be no surprise that the monarchy would have found a way to get their greedy hands on it all.

Reality star Khloe Kardashian posted on Instagram saying all of us should admire the Queen's exemplary sense of duty and her commitment to her people. The Kardashians are constantly getting on the covers of gossip magazines. Though the Kardashians are one of America’s most famous families, they have nothing to do with politics, acting, or music. They got their most significant rise to fame from their sister Kim Kardashian when her sex tape between her and then-boyfriend Ray J was leaked. As someone whose unmerited power has almost entirely negative impact on their impressionable followers, it should be no surprise that Khloe would be so supportive of the queen since they are adept at preserving each other’s dynasties of unmerited wealth. They don’t oppose the queen because they would lose the attention required to maintain their scam. If only they could understand and value the benefits of not screwing over humanity with their vestigial fame more than their riches. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for them to get ready for this news conference.

So as you can see, the queen has close ties with some of the world’s wealthiest writers, actors, athletes, and musicians. The monarchy's reform-resistant counter-revolutionary propaganda has infiltrated all of the most famous broadcasts, tabloids, and newsstands. Although many citizens still are good at recognizing the problems of monarchy, their defences are constantly being hijacked and overridden by these famous people who have proven themselves to be dreadful enough intruders aside from their fans. No one who supports paying these people such absurd amounts of money can ever break free from the puppet masters who pull the strings. Yet, these figures are constantly hijacking our best instincts like a battering ram that infiltrates our minds and convinces us that they are free despite their lack of responsibility. Leading people to think that they can be happy and achieve spiritual fulfilment while supporting the fame and fortune of the monarchs is about as cruel as convincing people to play a rigged carnival game. Even if you could use a mask that terrible to achieve some greater good, it’s hard to imagine that the life you and others would have to enjoy after would ever be meaningful anyways. It seems most people’s favourite celebrity is, in one way or another, going to support someone who carelessly prolongs the wealth of these unmerited people. But on top of that, the queen has met with some of the world’s most terrible leaders and dictators.

President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria (accused of killing civilians with chemical weapons)

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe (accused of causing the deaths of 10,000 people during crackdowns on rebel groups in the 1980s)

President Mobuto Sese Seko of Zaire (found to have embezzled £12 billion and blamed for the deaths of 230,000 people)

Australian “entertainer” Rolf Harris (convicted in 2014 of the sexual assault of four underage girls, effectively ending his career). Harris was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) in 1968; he was advanced to Officer (OBE) in 1977, then to Commander (CBE) in 2006, but these honours were revoked in March 2015.

And President Vladimir Putin of Russia (invaded Ukraine in 2022 causing several deaths and Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II)

The Pruning and Screening of Royal Guests and Applicants

How long must one pretend to ingest the royals’ brainwashing cult Kool-aid to even get into a position where they can convince them to step down? The answer is likely that you can’t get into any of these positions without conforming to their absurdities in ways that enable it more and make your soul feel numb and weary.

It seems possible to imagine a world without it. Yet the person at the bank still gives you a bill with a hereditary monarch on it despite the fact that any rational mind is capable of identifying monarchy as unfair and absurd. Monarchy is undoubtedly a significant ingredient in the recipe for our world’s darkest evils. Yet leaders always seem prepared to deliver another medieval dose of counterintuitive crony propaganda.

Understanding how monarchy’s corrupt social norms contribute to the manifestation of crime is essential to effective criminology. However, much of the world is still under the control of police forces that pledge allegiance to monarchal culture, such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Canada. Crime will never truly end until governments have the dignity to pledge allegiance to serve the best interests of the general collective rather than a hereditary bloodline of spoiled cronies. The RCMP’s flawed branding surely causes them to have issues screening and attracting proper applicants as well.

Monarchal-themed government institutions constantly shift blame away from how they have contributed to this very real problem. Monarchal tradition is so glaringly contrasted to egalitarian and humanitarian values that it should be considered a criminal offense even to allow it to persist when opportunities to change it are possible. Just think about it. What could sound more unfair than protecting a single hereditary bloodline’s privileged rights to inherited wealth when they already live in the most expensive house of all time?

Rolf Harris, the convicted pedophile mentioned above, paints the queen. Though he may seem to have good etiquette on the outside, most people who get a good look at his face in person would be able to sense there is someone creepy and soulless behind it. If only the corgis could have come inside the Queen’s chamber, they might have sensed this wolf in sheep’s clothes sooner.

The worst part about monarchy is that to meet and talk to monarchs; you have to pretend to respect their absurdity. In North Korea, the last three leaders have been direct descendants of their predecessors, just like in a monarchy, even though the country advertises itself as an “independent socialist state.” It holds elections occasionally, yet many people still sense they are rigged, and the news and tv stations are so full of the bloodlines propaganda that it doesn’t seem like it would make any difference anyways.

A State appointed tour guide discusses North Korea’s nuclear program. Notice how it looks like he’s had to pay the price of his soul just to get his special privileges.

The British Monarchs may not be as insane as North Korea’s, yet it still seems that those who seek to get close to them must trade some valuable part of themselves in exchange for grief and frustration no one should be expected to put up with for such long periods of time.

A former Royal Protection Officer describes Prince Harry’s protocol for guests during his time as a guard. The emotional abuse this kind-hearted man endured has left scars that will last a lifetime. How could any of their shallow luxuries possibly compensate for the years of meaningful life he lost while protecting their pompous privileges? Thankfully he escaped before their toxic snobbery infected him.

“What else do you do there except lie—lie to yourself and others, lie about everything you recognize in your heart to be true? You’re obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions you think absurd. You live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions you despise, condemn, and know lack all foundation. It is that permanent contradiction between your ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretences of your civilization which makes you sad, troubled and unbalanced. In that intolerable conflict you lose all joy of life and all feeling of personality, because at every moment they suppress and restrain and check the free play of your powers. That’s the poisoned and mortal wound of the civilized world.”
— Octave Mirbeau, The Torture Garden

Despite the doomed nature of this societal norm and its privileged economic activity, it still has a widespread negative influence on society. The monarchs and their supporters constantly scoff at people who critique them and try to suggest that they could be as unethical and regressive as people suggest. Much like the kings of the past felt they didn’t have to justify their behaviour because they were kings, the influential people who support them don’t feel they need to take others’ ethical concerns with them seriously due to their abilities. However, the trend seems to be that these people have jobs that aren’t essential for human survival. Would the world’s most brilliant want to be a sports player? Of course not; they would find it absurd to waste most of their life playing soccer when they could be spending their time trying to scorch societal norms and perfect innovations that will allow each child to get an equal shot at an education.

Our current world is constantly producing children who will never have a chance to compete with the world’s brightest. No matter how hard they protest, their parents will still put them through vestigial and irrational rituals that take them away from their true selves. Whether it be a royal gala or another church service with meatless advice, something always pulls them off the path. The cost of stunted growth that spawns from these terrible decisions is much costlier than any royal tax bill. Yet where does the curriculum include education on the dark history of the royal family or the truth about these unethical celebrities? The only way for these children to truly compete in this mayhem is for someone to teach them the truth about these norms from a young age. Yet the celebs, politicians, and monarchs who uphold this societal norm are, in many ways, the strongest at keeping this truth from coming to the light of day. The more citizens have to pay for their mistakes, the longer it takes them to find the ethical minds that have fought against these damned norms for so long.

All will be capable of achieving incredible feats in a world ruled by the rational. There will be no chosen ones. No one will be born a chosen one; they will become and prove themself to be someone who will be selected. It doesn’t matter who you are. If you teach people to respect absurd things, you will become absurd yourself. It’s rather challenging to navigate the world when society’s norms and news sources are so misleading.

Since so much effort is spent trying to change a system that is so absurd, it can be said that all who get in the way of those trying to change it will be smitten down from their hollow heavens. It is time that society admits that its laws aren’t very ethical. People struggle to believe that they will be capable of achieving what they want without forcing many people to get a lesser share, yet the world’s most ethical have proven it wrong time and time again. Their emotions and pure intentions become the ultimate security of the world’s most magical gifts. No matter how convincing the unhumbled and unethical may seem, they will never be capable of wielding this potent power until they change their behaviour and make amends for their actions.

It’s time society drops the pieces of these shattered paradigms they have clung to for so long and builds a culture fit to foster the interests of the best and brightest. They can’t hold them forever; after all, heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Will you take the path of the pure and divine, or will you crawl into your grave with a crown of jewels like a coward?




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