
Freedom For Merit is a website created to aid humanity in transitioning to an eco-friendly divine society that is designed with the primary goal of fostering citizens to become their most merited selves in mind. As we are complex beings brimming with untapped potential, we need a meritocracy (an economy that pays us proportionately to the effort we put in) because our society requires many different specialized roles, and proper compensation is the only way to ensure that these roles are adequately fulfilled. These incentives not only work to fulfill our needs but also support personal growth and well-being.

While the meritocracies of our current world suffer from imbalances of power and wealth, Freedom For Merit takes a unique approach. It seeks to eliminate these imbalances by providing more advanced and specialized education to citizens and proposing new laws and regulations on how people earn income. This meritocracy is different because it keeps freedom for the disadvantaged a top priority by eliminating all privileged and unmerited gains such as inherited wealth, lotto winnings, unwarranted cash transfers, and gifts that could provide people unjustifiable advantages over others in society.

Societies can only function when they are governed by carefully crafted laws that protect the best interests of the general collective. Ensuring that citizens are playing on equal ground optimizes competition and makes them stronger. Freedom For Merit is founded on the belief that every human being contains genius and that we can unlock the mysteries of life by learning from one another. Rather than a few becoming smart at the expense of the many, the world’s brightest minds will become even smarter because they will have more evenly-matched peers to learn from. I urge you to support this movement to create a society that serves the best interests of all because I believe that if we work correctly together, we can live sustainably and enjoy even better technology than ever before.