Rainbow Capitalism

Rainbow capitalism is the emergent market supporting gay rights. The original gay pride flags flew at the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade celebration on June 25, 1978. Since then, cities around the world have increasingly accepted LGBTQ culture. Despite the rainbow being a relatively neutral symbol, pride events have gotten so large that the LGBTQ community practically owns the rainbow. Of course, they enjoy this since the rainbow is a famous symbol. Yet, citizens are still concerned that the rainbow is so closely associated with people who commonly engage in non-conventional sex acts.

Pride events have become so popular that they have caused several banks, corporations, governments, and sports teams to create rainbow logos and advertisements year-round. Some cities even have pride banners all over their streets months before pride parades are supposed to occur. Though these events are designed to protect LGBTQ citizens, many citizens, including the LGBTQ themselves, have felt they have gone too far. Many people also fail to grasp how excessive the amount of news coverage and resources allocated to pride events are. Several networks give LGBTQ rights tons of news coverage despite hardly covering issues like climate change at all.

A satirical skit created to illustrate the hollow culture of corporate pride events

The planet has become filled with virtue-signalling social responsibility campaigns. People constantly look at their initiatives and think something is off about them. Still, the sheer amount of money and superficial power behind them is often enough to bypass people’s wits and convince them they genuinely have the best interests of the LGBTQ in mind. Many LGBTQ people’s guts have told them that these corporations really don’t care about them and are just capitalizing on their struggles.

A gay rights activist protests capitalists’ monetization of their struggles

So what is it about these corporate advertising campaigns that our gut instincts didn’t like in the first place? Aren’t they just trying to protect gay people? What’s wrong with having gay sex? Don’t these people deserve the same rights as others? The answer lies in how rainbow capitalism contributes to the problem it has tried to solve.

Pride campaigns cause problems for LGBTQ people by perpetuating a narrative that assumes that LGBTQ cannot change. Instead of creating campaigns to fund research on these sexual restrictions and find solutions, pride campaigns perpetuate the belief that there is no reason to seek solutions. However, pride campaigns can still be said to be regressive whether LGBTQ people can change or not because the movement encourages behaviors which cannot be said to be healthy.

Health Problems Caused By Rainbow Capitalism

Though pride campaigns could, in some ways, be said to ease the minds of people who engage in LGBTQ sexual behaviors by reducing the guilt and negativity they feel, the environment they create lacks discretion regarding these behaviors. Behaviours such as anal sex, oral sex, and masturbation, which are all closely associated with the LGBTQ community, can negatively affect our physical and mental health.

Pride campaigns normalize the public stigma on anal sex despite the fact that this part of our body was never intended to be used in this manner. The vagina naturally has antibacterial properties to prevent infecting the penis during intercourse, whereas the anus is covered in bacteria which cause sexually transmitted diseases and infections. People are more likely to have unprotected anal than one might expect. Many of the most-watched videos on porn sites feature unprotected anal sex and oral sex that occurs right after it. Porn sites are always the internet’s top ten most visited sites aswell. Plus, gay people are likely to feel tempted to engage in unprotected anal because they do not have any alternatives and crave a closer connection to their partner. Anal sex has become such an ingrained part of their effeminate sexual identity, after all.

Masturbation and oral also cause issues because they desensitize our sex glands. People become accustomed to the extra pressure that comes from a hand or mouth and find themselves unable to have an orgasm for anything else. People have reported huge increases in pleasure after abstaining from masturbation. However, masturbation causes nerve damage to the penis which cannot be reversed. The vagina is made for the penis because it is softer than any other part of the body and naturally produces a lubricant that is ideal for maximizing pleasure.

Transgenderism’s sex change surgeries and hormone therapies also have negative health effects and are quite risky. A documentary called “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” features several cases of teens who experienced these negative health effects. Some people experienced increased weight gain, acne, sleep apnea, and depression. Moreover, the hormones were used as puberty blockers and caused changes to their voice and facial structures, which could not be reversed. One girl said that the deep voice she got from taking the hormones started to crack and get sore because her body was not meant to develop in that way.

The subjects in the documentary also mentioned they had made a mistake and were never trans to being with. What’s sad is that many of them had surgeries done which could not be reversed. The male bottom surgery to reconstruct the penis into a makeshift vagina is perhaps the most regressive surgery of them all. It’s purely cosmetic and eliminates parts of the body which could have been used for pleasure. It also causes nerve damage to the tissue, which is quite undesirable. The therapists didn’t understand the teens in the documentary and clearly contributed to them believing they were transgender. They rushed them into gender-affirming care after only a few appointments. A lot of gender-affirming therapists also work online and can prescribe hormones to people without in-person appointments.

Pride campaigns also instill a sense of foolish pride in people who engage in unadvisable behaviors and therapies. Considering how these behaviors prevent all who engage in them from experiencing their true sexual potential, it’s inevitable that they will also cause mental health issues. They also instill a belief in people that their campaigns do not contribute to more LGBTQ people existing when, in reality, this is inevitable.

Pride Campaigns Lead to More LGBTQ Sexual Behavior

Some argue that the increase in LGBTQ behavior comes from LGBTQ people who were already born gay and would otherwise have just been living in the closet. Yet studies have shown that environmental factors can influence the genes that people pass on. Rainbow capitalism also causes corporations all over the world to hire people who unquestioningly support these sexual experiences and fire people who don’t. This puts extra money in the hands of people who support these controversial sexual behaviors and leads them to selectively breed with others who think the same.

Many people insist that LGBTQ people don’t produce children who will be more likely to be LGBTQ. Some fear that assuming this is true will only lead their kids to develop a similar mentality and believe they cannot change their fates. However, most people know what selective breeding is, and if you ever asked them about it any other time, they would say it causes genetic traits to be more relevant. So it seems inevitable that LGBTQ people will pass on traits that leave their children more susceptible to developing these types of sexual orientations, at the least. Therefore, it could be said that these campaigns nurture us in ways that alter our genes and facilitate selective breeding that could increase these sexual orientations. Moreover, believing they won’t be more likely to have LGBTQ kids will inevitably cause cognitive dissonance with the widely accepted scientific beliefs on selective breeding. So, it seems unreasonable, at the least, to expect people to believe this doesn’t lead to an increase in these sexual orientations.

Many gay people are also close with bisexuals and people who claim to have fluid sexualities, which change depending on who they are with or how they are feeling. Despite their differences, it seems likely that these groups experience largely similar feelings and just express and interpret them differently. Nevertheless, gay people often feel attacked when people try to suggest that they are not born gay. Yet people must be aware that gay people really aren’t attracted to the opposite gender, and most genuinely do not believe they can change. It’s also likely that they are the least favoured to fathom that change could be possible, so expecting them to change or grasp the truth without providing substantial proof or arguments is unreasonable.

Homosexuality as an Inescapable Fate and Conversion Therapy

Pride’s central theme of LGBTQ sexual orientations being inescapable fates that cannot be changed is not necessarily a universally accepted idea. Though many LGBTQ believe most people can’t have same-sex attractions, some parts of the world have never thought of homosexuality in this manner.

In Papua New Guinea, there was a tribe called the Simbari that would have “sacred” homosexual rituals with pubescent boys and ingest their semen. Though their behaviour is perverse and unethical, it can still be considered as some evidence that homosexuality isn’t necessarily an unchangeable fate. And even if their attractions were a genetic fate (rather than the result of forced perversion, as many would call it), it could be asserted that the gene would only have been prevalent in these men because they considered homosexuality sacred and passed their genes on with these beliefs. This seems to provide evidence to support our selective breeding hypothesis from above. However, it’s still likely that these people are born with genetic predispositions that make them vulnerable to developing sexual restrictions and become limited because they were nurtured and lived improperly. Yet, how can people be nurtured to become LGBTQ?

One common theory is that people who masturbate are more likely to develop same-sex attractions because they are wiring their brains to have orgasms to their own touch. Some may laugh at those who say it’s a slippery slope that leads to being gay, but make no mistake, people absolutely are wiring their brains to get off to the feeling of their own gender’s genitals, and a stunted libido is no laughing matter. A never-ending cycle of nervous, insecure urges to masturbate to porn to compensate for a lack of sexual potency will persist until the underlying cause is tended to.

Gay men also masturbate more often than straight people on average and typically access their prostate aswell. Since the prostate (or male g spot) can only be accessed through the anus, they become accustomed to the pleasure and seek to be penetrated like a woman; it’s as simple as that. Whether people know it or not, prostate stimulation is capable of causing ejaculation. So, it seems rational to suggest that all men can feel this way. It is this feeling of pleasure that leads many males to think they are born transgender. But make no mistake; these practices are variables that must be eliminated for one to experience true self-actualization.

Women who masturbate may be the most susceptible to being unable to have an orgasm during regular sex since they do not have as active control of the movements of sex. Their clitoris can become desensitized quite quickly due to its small surface area. It must be almost entirely sensitive, or else the pelvic thrusts will not produce an orgasm. Since satisfying sex that allows both partners to orgasm mutually requires the utmost synchronicity, it can be said that partners must be emotionally and physically sensitive to one another. They must share the same beliefs and values.

People can’t have satisfying sex lives if they condone anal sex and masturbation because they are behaviors that interfere with their unity. And they can’t have satisfying sex lives until they accept that LGBTQ sex will never be as satisfying as heterosexual sex. Therefore, they should seek solutions to these sexual circumstances rather than consider them unsolvable mysteries. There’s simply nothing satisfying about not knowing the truth. The key to living without ostentatious luxuries lies in having a satisfying and natural sex life rather than trying to fill our spiritual gaps with materialistic possessions and strange sex rituals. Rainbow capitalism has couples searching for a pot of gold that doesn’t exist or will never satisfy.

Though conventional sex is the most pleasurable form, society has shaped people to the point where it no longer pleases them. Society is full of lost people that reinforce notions that porn and masturbation are things that the “coolest” of adults do. This causes children to attempt to do the same. Not only would the men and women they are masturbating to be pedophiles to reciprocate the gesture, but the masturbation itself is not very pleasurable, and ejaculation is impossible in the early years. Children think something is wrong with them for being unable to experience an orgasm. If children knew the truth from a young age, they would never want to masturbate or watch these perverted, air-headed adults. Their brains are being wired in the most twisted of ways.

Many adults also miss that people who like these perversions are less desirable to have sex with, which causes further issues. In other words, they will think they are the problem rather than their partner. No matter how aesthetically pleasing a person may be, it can feel like canoeing up a waterfall if they are not respectful or honest with you. In fact, it is actually a sign of a healthy functioning psyche not to find such people attractive.

Furthermore, when LGBTQ people try to have heterosexual sex, they are typically unable to find people who have not been desensitized or poorly nurtured, as mentioned above. Healthy sex is gentle and compassionate, but many people attempting to convert them can be cold and brutal. LGBTQ people are quite rooted in the pride movement, and this paradigm that teaches them they cannot change or love the opposite sex is instilled in them by their peers and people who indoctrinate them to gain the “advantage” and keep them from reproducing. Yet, anyone living an absurd lifestyle of any variety will fail to be desirable. People who support not calling out the abuses of LGBTQ brainwashing will never be profound enough to have good sex with. Neither will fanatical and violent homophobes.

It’s also unacceptable to suggest that homosexuality is a natural or possible solution to overpopulation. People should not consider this a solution to control birth because it causes many children to have no chance of competing with their peers. Whether people like to admit it or not, many people experience same-sex attractions that they keep to themselves or find ways to eliminate. People who experience feelings of sexual frustration and insecurity do not think effectively and often have a hard time focusing. They often make hasty decisions to fill their insecurities by having children or engaging in the same perversions that caused their circumstances rather than getting to the root of the problem.

Many gay people see these people and consider their unsatisfying heterosexual sex lives and apparent capacity to have gay sex as a sign that they are bisexual and would have a better life if they engaged in same-sex encounters. LGBTQ people will often pester and provoke these people, which leads to some of the world’s most hateful homophobic acts. But it’s not right to think that these people are or should be gay or bisexual. It’s not fair to think that homophobic people would be happier if they were gay, either.

It may be possible that some people are born incapable of developing a sexual attraction to the same sex. In the case of intersex people, they are born with genetics of one sex but, due to mutations and developmental complications, develop to appear like like the opposite sex. So, a person can appear to be female and be raised as such, only to discover later that they have male sex chromosomes. Intersex people are often pressured to engage in relationships with their assumed opposite gender. In cases like these, it's not hard to see that this is quite inhumane and could result in suicide. People should never be forced or coerced into relationships or sexual encounters. When individuals are healthy and have the right standards and rules, the virtually irresistible nature of their unadulterated desires will be sufficient motivation to form healthy relationships and reproduce.

When you think about how advanced our technological advancements have gotten, it seems inevitable that humanity will learn to solve the problem of same-sex attractions rather than continue to consider it a human rights violation to try and control them. They will likely discover the origins of any possible genetic outcomes and how to control them as well.

In an attempt to control the emergence of these sexual orientations, some countries have banned homosexuality and created conversion therapy camps. Conversion therapy is the practice of attempting to change an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to align with heterosexual norms. Though there have been many reports of people who have been able to change their sexual orientation, it cannot be said that all these people were the result of conversion therapy camps.

In many ways, people should be concerned with conversion therapy camps. Historically, they have often been based on pseudoscience and faith-based religious rituals. In the past, people tried methods as insane as lobotomies and electroshock therapy (which is still used in some parts of the world today). The faith-based rituals often included placing blind faith in Jesus Christ or God. This caused people to create slogans like “pray the gay away” because whether these groups like to admit it or not, this cure doesn’t work.

The very thing that gay people hated about the religious groups was that they would forbid them from having gay sex despite the fact they found it very pleasurable. It reminded them of God from the biblical Garden of Eden, forbidding them from eating the fruit of knowledge and learning good from evil. Religion has expected them to take their word for it and put faith in a concept of God that is absurd and irrational rather than giving them rational explanations with intrinsic motivations. They could never provide a rational or plausible enough explanation as to why people shouldn’t have homosexual sex. It could be said that this tree’s knowledge refers to wisdom gained from doing forbidden things. In this case, people could say it’s unadvisable to learn what it’s like to have gay sex because people have already tried it and concluded it led to less satisfying heterosexual experiences.

Nevertheless, these particular religious types increasingly look like people who fear the truth of knowledge. It’s entirely possible for people who are experiencing homosexual desires to believe that the more they learn, the gayer they will become. This perhaps stems from the fact that Roman Catholic priests don’t have wives and often see themselves as supreme intellectuals. It’s also quite unrealistic to expect celibate men, or anyone who gravitates towards a patriarchal religion, for that matter, to have society’s most profound relationship advice.

With this in mind, it’s not hard to see why people call homophobes gay or why gay conversion therapy camp leaders have been discovered on gay dating apps. They just haven’t experienced or provided the transformative love many seek. Instead of providing profound life lessons, these homosexual clergymen have created a faith-based narrative that often makes these practices seem tempting and irresistible. This has caused people to slavishly beg for forgiveness on their knees rather than take matters into their own hands. They constantly overcompensate for the lack of results with unbridled rage and hate. This makes homophobic people with same-sex attractions, who may be able to change, appear to have sealed fates. This inevitably makes change harder for themselves and others.

When you think about it, praying and asking for things rather than taking matters into our own hands is quite unattractive. Though it can be said that there is a higher law or set of rules (often referred to as the will of God) that people must follow to remain unrestricted, it cannot necessarily be said that praying will help.

Despite often having a lot of the rhetoric (the rules) intact, religious people’s traditions are often too absurd to allow people to experience a transformative change. It’s irrational to suggest that a woman with a healthy psyche will find a man who sits around and says the “Hail Mary” prayer repeatedly when they have already memorized it worthy of her love. Instead of sitting around and praying, people should volunteer in their community to fix world problems and spread more rational messages. The church’s infamous punishment of sending people to an imaginary realm of hellfire in the afterlife only makes evil worse by deceiving people of the fact that hell is a state of mind found on planet Earth.

The most rational system of spirituality teaches that the benefits of living a life free of sin are increased happiness and the opportunity to reincarnate as a more advanced being on a more advanced planet. According to this system, those who sit around and pray or prey on others, like those two-faced conversion therapists, are of an inferior vibration and lose out on the rewards they claimed were exclusively available to them.

However, it can be said that people who have same-sex intercourse are not in congruence with the higher law since homosexuality differs from ideal biological behaviors. Despite this, it cannot be said that those who don’t follow the law will face eternal hellfire. How could a merciful God ever punish people who have refused to be driven by irrational extrinsic motivations like blind faith in a patriarchal religion with eternal hellfire? There must be a more merciful or meaningful system.

Someday, everyone on the planet will be capable of and prefer satisfying heterosexual reproduction. Though it is perhaps unrealistic to expect everyone alive to be able to do this in their lifetime, people must become aware that this is our ideal and intended evolutionary path. Maintaining the balance and attraction between our sexes is important to our evolution.

Two easily accessible proofs that a higher law and reincarnation are real are the law of energy conservation and our dreams. The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This is the same for our minds and souls since they can neither be created nor destroyed. How could a creator create the world? Who could have created the creator? The laws of physics simply prevent such an explanation from being possible. A more rational explanation for existence seems to be that the positive and negative forces proportionately grew simultaneously, balancing out to zero. Therefore, the belief in a creator god that can doom us to hell can be easily debunked with the laws of physics alone.

Since our dreams are often full of complex visions and coded messages, it is fair to conclude that they are architected by living beings of a higher vibration that exist in the present or future since they would be the only ones capable of understanding our culture. Our brains cannot simply create these images without conscious effort, and there is no such thing as an invisible sky God. The powers available to the beings who architect our dreams are unimaginably infinite. Considering how easily they could use these powers to destroy us if they felt like it, it seems rational to suggest that they are benevolent and wish to help us reach a higher vibration. It also seems inevitable that these beings would need to follow a higher law and harmonize with one another to reach this state of consciousness. Humans would have never been able to evolve without working together. We have always been communal and colonial creatures and should expectedly be even more connected with each other in the future.

It seems rational to mention this because life would seem unfair and meaningless if people’s only experience were being born gay and never getting the opportunity to experience a satisfying heterosexual connection. Why should someone’s only experience be that they are born unable to have satisfying and healthy mating rituals? It doesn’t make sense for us simply to exist as this one being or life with no say in our outcome or future. Even if a transgender person who had sex change surgeries will never get the chance to have a satisfying sex life, they will still get to be born again, and they should make reasonable efforts to prevent others from facing similar circumstances. To expect everyone to accept that homosexuality and transgenderism are unexplainable, unchangeable, and unavoidable fates is cruel. The desire to solve the mystery of these sexual orientations and seek solutions is a healthy aspect of ourselves that should never be demonized as pointless or futile.

According to the principle of sufficient reason (PSR) and Occam’s razor, everything must have a reason or a cause, and the simplest explanation is likely the correct one. Whether people like to admit it or there are causes for these sexual restrictions which we can learn to control. Everything has a cause and explanation, and our species can learn to create more ideal sexual outcomes in the future. People who don’t believe that rainbow capitalism and LGBTQ multi-millionaires and parents are causing homosexuality to be more prevalent just aren’t thinking hard enough. LGBTQ people’s guts aren’t simply put off by rainbow capitalists profiting off of their struggles, they are put off because they are preventing their problems from being identified and solved. How could anyone who does this ever look sincere?

Though LGBTQ people may be guilty of thinking they are born LGBTQ when they are not, they are likely the least favoured to recognize it. If they can sense something off about the rainbow capitalists, perhaps there is hope they can realize something is not right about themselves. What people consistently miss about LGBTQ people is that it’s never the super-wealthy ones who are the most ethical; it’s the ones who live humbly and stand up to the watered-down ethics and propaganda of the corporate sickness. People are constantly idolizing glamorous gay people and shunning the ones who can’t make them profit. Just think of how wealthy Elton John is despite being greedy and grandiose enough to support Britain’s constitutional monarchy. How could millions of dollars ever make an LGBTQ person who cannot recognize these truths less harmful to the general collective?

If the managers of the world’s biggest corporations aren’t wise enough to say no to rainbow capitalism, how can we expect the average citizen to understand its impact on the world? How can we expect to have a fighting chance at solving this dilemma if we continue to cater to the narcissistic leaders who allowed this to happen? People won’t be capable of evolving into beings who can architect dreams until they think logically and learn these valuable life lessons. People should liberate the crowd with these sensible insights rather than ever adapting to this brainwashing.

Gay Marriage

Though it is an unpopular belief, gay marriage can still be considered regressive because it provides legal benefits to people who were intended for heterosexual people who raise families. Satisfying sexual reproduction seems like the ideal way for people to reproduce and, therefore, should produce the best offspring. It also seems inevitable that LGBTQ people will be more likely to have LGBTQ kids, whether people want to admit it or not; and considering how overpopulated our world is, one ought to suggest they shouldn't reproduce.

We need our world’s brightest to reproduce, and people who raise families need all the benefits they can get to ensure the system isn’t rigged by people who do not pass on their genes or provide income for others. Regardless of how loving LGBTQ marriages may be, they still infringe on others’ freedoms by offering LGBTQ people tax incentives and privileges that were originally intended to facilitate ideal reproductive scenarios. Therefore, it can be said that LGBTQ people don’t deserve all the same privileges and opportunities as heterosexuals. Hold on; this doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the right to contribute safely to their economy while providing for themselves within reason or that they should be forced to live with the bare necessities. However, society must acknowledge that income must be distributed with proper consideration for family interests. Though telling LGBTQ people who have achieved incredible feats that they don’t deserve all the same privileges sounds self-righteous to some, it must be done for the sake of future generations. Yet, it will be difficult to convince people that this is necessary until people can discover the causes of these sexual phenomena.

Modern Societal Norms of Gay Equality

Modern societies’ inability to change homosexual behaviour has caused many social norms of LGBTQ acceptance to emerge. Since these people experience less pleasure when limited to heterosexual experiences, people have considered it cruel to deny these people equal rights since they should also be worthy of pleasure. After all, what’s the actual harm done, if any? If this is all the pleasure their bodies can supposedly allow them to feel, why shouldn’t they be allowed to participate? For the sake of argument, people could say that these acts are relatively harmless in and of themselves, and since they claim to be unable to change, they can be permitted if it makes them happy. Yet, what if it were possible to change? What if more possibilities were available to those who did than those who did not? What are these possibilities?

LGBTQ who change and serve the truth rather than the delusions and false beliefs associated with their sexual orientations can get the reward of becoming closer to their higher self. If they really take steps to change their behaviour and make amends for the impact of their actions, they will get the opportunity to have more dreams each night from their higher self because they are serving an agenda that brings them and others closer to evolving into it.

Only moments of harmony bringing us closer to one another will be desirable. Since these souls likely could have had happy heterosexual relationships before they were indoctrinated, it can be said that it is, in some ways, abusive to leave them in the dark since people should stand up for abuses when they happen. What alpha leader would allow their people to fall to such pathetic depths anyway? A true leader would never lose sleep over anything more. There’s nothing hotter than someone who takes care of their fellow man when he’s down and calls out abuse when it’s spotted. So, why are people unable to convince rainbow capitalists that they are missing out on life’s greatest treasure by pursuing a pot of gold rather than a spirituality based on real science with intrinsic rewards? The answer is money. Money is power, it’s as simple as that.

Think of how many wealthy LGBTQ people there are with more money than a doctor can ever make in their entire life. Search engines are full of LGBTQ celebrities and Billionaires with more money than any ethical person would ever wish to make in their entire lives. Not only do they make much more than anyone who is LGBTQ should ever make (due to their inability to reproduce naturally), but they often get rich selling overpriced clothes. According to Wikipedia, the richest openly LGBTQ (bisexual) person in the world is clothing designer Giorgio Armani (who owns Armani). According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Armani has an estimated net worth of US$9.53 billion as of 2021. These articles of clothing are often cheaply produced in developing countries like China and Bangladesh and are severely marked up.

Celebrities and Athletes are constantly wearing these articles of clothing, which leads consumers, who are also void of ethical purpose, to buy them to fit in and impress people. Despite how the media portrays these people, they are just lost people trying to be profound. The infamous UFC fighter Connor McGregor has worn several articles of clothing from the LGBTQ-owned company Dolce and Gabbana, which has intimidated activists seeking to foster a society with more practical and ethical tastes. Many people would assume UFC fighters would not be interested in these articles of clothing because they are macho and tough, yet this isn’t the case. Contrary to what some may suggest, the intersection of these two clashing cultures does not result in a balance; it results in each culture being less able to recognize and live healthy lifestyles. The only true way to stop the effects of these fracture programs is to lead by example, stand your ground, and not enable these unethical brands as much as possible.

 Whether these super wealthy LGBTQ businessmen exist or not (which they obviously do to some degree), what is undeniably problematic is that our society reinforces that this unmerited wealth allocation is acceptable through their search engines and pop culture. Regardless of if the inevitable increase in LGBTQ citizens is a problem or not, this society has crossed the line by allowing someone as impractical as an LGBTQ clothing designer to have billions of dollars when there are talented people who cannot even find steady work. Instead of hiring these people to build new infrastructure and implement innovative social programs to solve these problems, they often sit idly as they wait to hear if they have been selected for a small number of jobs. Since the unemployed are often humble people who need money to reproduce, it can be said that these greedy businesses are very costly to the general collective. Until humanity can effectively solve the problems of poverty, unequal education, and improper taxation, they should be much less interested in food, clothing, and cars, and much more interested in health, fitness, and intellect. Until people fill the inevitable void created by the acceptance of these unethical and impractical social conventions, nothing will ever satisfy them.

When you think about it, the problems of erectile dysfunction, sexual dissatisfaction, and same-sex attraction cost society an immeasurable amount of money. Think of all the religions, sex toys, surgeries, gurus, and hokey short-term fixes people have tried to solve the problem. The LGBTQ solution seems to teach that there is no problem at all. The internet is full of delusional perversion-worshipping trolls eager to fill the sexually insecure with doubt that they will ever get the chance to have satisfying heterosexual sex lives. Anyone who wants to have the truth must understand the sickness of telling others that they cannot change.

Songs like “Born This Way” (Lady Gaga) and “Same Love” (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis) reinforce messages that gay people can’t change and that they were born this way when this isn’t necessarily the case. While the artists are trying to have their hearts in the right place, it can be said that they have caused more insecurity than they have solved. While people still have the right to refuse this call to seek the truth, it cannot be said that those who impede others’ efforts to find it, even if it was unintentional, deserve more compensation than those who don’t. Considering how costly problems of sexual dissatisfaction have been, people should find it concerning that these celebrities haven’t agreed upon solutions yet.

The widespread acceptance of gay pride by celebrities and corporations has caused many to feel that it is wrong to suggest that LGBTQ people could be missing out on anything at all. It has made it socially acceptable to leave them in the dark. Many LGBTQ people have come from broken homes with fathers who abused their mothers. What makes people think they will be unhappy to hear that everyone will have satisfying and healthy heterosexual sex lives in the future? They aren’t all as jealous as people make them sound. They are often found to be relatively peaceful and content with same-sex partners. If the truth were too much for anyone to handle, we would just have to accept it and deal with any physical threats they pose. LGBTQ people already go through a lot of traumatic experiences. If they weren’t so scared and fearful that people would try to extinguish the remaining ambitions they have left, they would probably be more willing to admit that LGBTQ genetic fates would be undesirable and likely don’t exist. Though many advocates for the LGBTQ fight to prevent discrimination from the biased, the lack of concern and consideration for those who want to know the truth has been undermined by a message that causes more division dressed up in “sunshine and rainbows.”

Think about how much money and effort post-op transsexuals have invested into chasing their unattainable fantasies. They cannot recognize how fruitless their surgery will be until it’s too late. The belief that their new body will give them the orgasm they have always craved really is a mirage of an oasis in one of the driest of deserts. How could anyone possibly maximize their ability to feel pleasure by removing their penis and testicles? Whether people know it or not, none of these sex acts can truly satisfy them, and now it’s too late for them to fix their bodies. They aren’t confident in themselves; they are just in denial about their wrong decision or are unaware of better ones. These people don’t look different because they are genetically different. They look different because they gravitate towards a broken paradigm and have yet to see how shattered it is.

The unbeatable feeling of joining two hypersensitive reproductive organs that have evolved to fit each other perfectly is arguably the best pleasure of all time and the ultimate motivation for humanity’s most significant endeavours. Without the ability to take part in and enjoy this supreme pleasure, it seems unlikely that people can reach the highest mental realms of existence. People are constantly masturbating and adding all kinds of silly kinks to their bedrooms that used to seem ridiculous to them until their defences were worn down with all kinds of propaganda and social reinforcement from generations of lost people trying to be profound. These people simply lack direction and understanding of how they lost direction in the first place. Society is also full of people who are contemptuous of the humble individuals who fight the good fight in the face of unspeakable corruption and make sacrifices even when there will be no monetary gain. 

There may be many LGBTQ celebrities, athletes, and politicians who can do amazing things and even smash records, but they may never get the chance to be among the few who can break free of the bondage of the soul. Whether they know it or not, everyone in the world has a built-in kit that can allow them to experience extrasensory perceptions, such as dreams and visions, and escape the bondage of the soul. Whether people know it or not, LGBTQ people are aware of this inner world and have been admitted to some of its mysteries. Though many consider it delusional to believe that people are capable of evolving into this force within, that many have hastily insisted must be a patriarchal monotheistic God, the belief that we are is actually the simplest and most rational explanation.

In a world full of unethical one-trick ponies that get rich due to their ability to generate profits regardless of the means used, people are sure to miss that many of the people we consider to be society’s best are actually too unethical to wield these divine powers. Many LGBTQ people’s talents are often so flashy and require such strength that people fail to learn that they often aren’t very ethical. There have been several successful gay Olympians, yet this doesn’t mean you must be ethical to be an Olympic athlete. Think of Wayne Gretzky’s gambling problem or Tiger Woods’s cheating scandal. Despite being two of the world’s most talented athletes, they were still too corrupt to be pure-minded. How are people supposed to realize that LGBTQ people could change and become God if they’ve spent years thinking men Gretzky were already Gods? The truth doesn’t care how many records they can break, it’s only interested in those who don’t impede the freedoms that matter most, like the freedom to understand your sexuality. It’s time for the working class to reclaim the rewards of their finest talent, keeping this place from falling apart.

A pride theme logo that the NFL released during pride month

Instead of insisting that LGBTQ people’s souls can’t be reclaimed from bondage, society should try to extract the genius these individuals already possess and magnify it by synthesizing it with these positive aspects they have wrongfully put in the shadows. Since many LGBTQ people have already had several experiences with this high power, it can be presumed that there will come a time when this knowledge will become mainstream and accepted. Since these superhumans have decided to make spiritual contact with LGBTQ people, it can be argued that there is something they love about them and don’t want to see destroyed, despite how they disagree with their life paths. Once again, if it were genetic, we would just be causing it to emerge more by treating homosexuality as a gift from God. Though the aspects we do like about some LGBTQ people are the result of positive cultural conditioning and are considered healthy, it is fallacious to think that same-sex encounters are necessary to maximize societal benefits.

Just like these superhuman forces within us, many LGBTQ people reject the ignorance of mainstream religion and rightfully condemn those who try to “pray the gay away”. Lesbians are often revered for not being as frilly and frail as some of society’s unhealthy depictions of divine femininity. Many gay men are often quite gentle and never act out violently throughout their lives despite being severed from their natural states. It could be argued that the toxic macho masculinity they saw in other men contributed to the divergence of their sexual orientation. LGBTQ people have associated this macho man persona with heteronormativity (the assumption that everyone is 'naturally' heterosexual), leaving them unable to see that there are healthy people who refuse to believe that sexuality is fixed. In some ways, these LGBTQ people could have been onto a better way of living and were simply misled to a different dead-end path due to their own prejudices and lack of awareness.

Many gay people get upset that effeminate or “butch” stereotypes seem to dictate their lives. Yet gay people have sensed that something is off about macho men, that there is something about them they shouldn’t envy. So, it does seem possible that LGBTQ people can fathom there is a higher law that also prevents these macho men from succeeding. The arguments between these pretentious macho men and plastic effeminate men are often full of halfhearted tones and blame-shifting or denial of their faults. Their clashing differences are constantly causing them to insist that they are the lesser evil and that they can be excused for their behaviour because they aren’t doing something “as absurd as that”. If people want to escape the bondage of this higher law, they will have to set a better example. The path to infinite potential will not spare the dimwitted or the faint of heart.

Though people typically have an idea of their ideal life, they frequently fail to achieve it. They often want to emulate larger-than-life characters. When they fail to meet their expectations, they relate to irresponsible characters to justify their defiant behaviour and imperfection. Ellen Degeneres and her supporters are prime examples of this. Not only do Ellen and her wife Portia have no kids, but they also reportedly purchased a record-breaking $70 million mansion in California. Ellen has hoarded such a regressive amount of money that it is reasonable to suggest that she and her supporters have all failed to meet their ethical par. How could it be reasonable to let someone who didn’t raise any kids have a net worth of $370 million dollars when children are starving to death in other parts of our planet? Yet most Americans, whether they like to admit it or not, have been fans of someone who has starred on her show. Presidents Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, and most of Hollywood’s most famous stars, have starred on her show despite how it has impacted our planet's ability to provide opportunities for others.

Political Supporters of LGBTQ Culture

Armed left-wing Antifa (anti-fascist) protestors stand guard at a drag queen event.

One group that supports LGBTQ people, called Antifa, has been caught up in controversy over the years. For a political group that has in the past been known for being against assault weapons, Antifa has certainly turned a different narrative. Though it was founded to protect citizens from oppressive authoritarian regimes that silence their opposition, it can be said that they have silenced those who speak the truth about homosexuality. Society will never be able to solve problems of violence and crime until they can find the causes and solutions to sexual restrictions.

When people are so “gung ho” to protect the LGBTQ with guns, it escalates the very problems they seek to end. Instead of protecting people’s freedom to do whatever they think they like, they should focus more on protecting the freedoms of those who live practical and sustainable lives. Since citizens have instilled so much pride in the LGBTQ with their gay pride flags in courthouses, schools, and businesses, it seems it will take forever for people to recognize the absolute truth.

Those who support messages that gay people can’t change have been in an exponentially growing clash of staleness with people who prod the LGBTQ to “just change”, as their lack of perspective and knowledge prevents them from effectively solving the problem. Isn’t it time that people other than gloating redneck hicks stood up to these people and provided a more compelling and unifying argument? Despite how poorly educated the shame-driven conservatives that show up to these protests can be, they can still contain elements of genius. Even though they often fail to persuade their audience and are often too dim to shine through the darkness, they still stand to attest that LGBTQ behaviours prevent people from achieving their highest potential. Many protestors of pride events may be ignorant homophobes, but don’t be so foolish to think that sitting idly by and not enabling it will be enough; the truth is only interested in retaliators and protectors. It will never miss a good opportunity to protect a vulnerable person or show the light.

If society wants to solve this priority problem, it needs to rely less on shame, censorship, and punishment and adopt solutions that involve better education and intrinsic rewards. No gay person would want to be gay if they knew what they were missing and could still learn to cultivate more satisfying sexual experiences. People don’t want their reason to avoid things to be that they will be punished; their brains want to avoid things because they will prevent them from experiencing more pleasure down the road. They don’t want to fear developing an attraction to the opposite sex; they want to be so secure that they will never have to worry about that. Many people who struggle with same-sex attractions can’t afford to be held back any longer with shame and punishment; they have already fallen behind their peers and need encouragement and opportunity to catch up.

People shouldn’t have to settle for finding LGBTQ behaviours desirable anymore; they should believe that once they know and transform themselves, they will no longer have the desire to do it. Rainbow capitalism, gay conversion therapy, and meatless, inactive, faith-based religions all feed the spiritual tape-worm, which keeps slipping inside us behind our backs every time we think we have pulled the last of it out of us. The only way to get it out is to choke it out with real spiritual knowledge, truth, and humility. Only those who live in congruence with the ethical higher law (not to be confused with our governmental law) can break free from this negative feedback loop of shame and despair. People have just taken advantage of the trust people have in these corporations to turn a profit.

People have only proceeded with their pride campaigns because they have consciously or unconsciously profited off the wage slaves they created. It’s common for professionals to work in ways that prolong the problems they are hired to solve if the quality of their work isn’t held to proper standards, and they continue to benefit from the lie. Just like the police have been guilty of policing in ways that make them more wealthy but are less effective at ending crime, rainbow capitalists are guilty of prolonging problems out of sheer greed. If people invested more in giving each child an equal shot at education and ensuring that parents meet higher standards to keep their kids, these vestigial markets wouldn’t exist.

Some children have known their whole lives that people aren’t born gay and masturbation prevents freedom, so why do we often find our government selling a different narrative to grown adults? People who compile art, resources, and social programs that are pro-LGBTQ and pro-masturbation become like stubborn men who don’t want to read assembly instructions and end up ruining their new products. Same-sex acts and masturbation are about as effective at controlling sexual urges as seawater is for quenching thirst. Many publicly funded employees who have created these resources are already aware that the materials are causing mental health problems but have not made amends for their actions. It makes them look like people who invested their life savings in radiation machines and didn’t want to show people there was a more surefire cure for cancer available.

Even if LGBTQ people don’t feel they can ever change, they are still likely to grasp many of these truths and picture a world where their restrictions no longer exist. For a group that has gone to extreme lengths to pursue an inverted pleasure complex that society has made difficult to pursue, it should be apparent that they would find unpleasurable relationships very concerning. Since humans have needed sexual reproduction to evolve into the complex life forms they are today, it can be said that these interconnected opposites allow for more pleasure and possibility than sameness can ever achieve. Since LGBTQ people have had the will and determination to become Olympic gold medalists, one would think they would have the will and determination to change their sexual orientation if they knew how to do it and could experience the proof for themselves. Despite how scripted and manipulated our lives seem, free will is real and can achieve great things. We just need the right thoughts to guide it and the will to put it into practice.

Yet many are often unable to understand how there could be any benefit to being straight since bisexuals can have more partners. And many find it hard to believe that people as smart as politicians and professors could ever be wrong about homosexuality. Instead of the sad truth being that homosexual sex is better, the sad truth is that not everyone knows heterosexual sex is more enjoyable because it sacrifices the ability to have same-sex attractions for a more profound pleasure.

When you think about how pleasurable sex could be if both parties pitched in and fulfilled their role, it becomes a beacon of hope for people rather than doom and gloom. This isn’t to say that society hasn’t had issues with traditional gender roles and extreme expressions of gender identity. Emotionless macho men and frilly princesses weren’t examples of healthy gender roles. Though it seems they should find one another irresistible because they appear to be polar opposites, this isn’t the case. People with more balanced and practical gender roles could, in some ways, be said to be their true opposites. People should trust that they can reach their highest potential pleasure with balance. When people’s expressions of individuality become so extreme that they can hardly relate to one another, it’s a sign that someone has to compromise. Though people’s interests and desires may vary depending on what opportunities and possibilities are available to them, the truth is still absolute.

Left-wing politics, despite being guilty of prolonging and increasing these LGBTQ mental states, is known for proposing higher inheritance tax rates. While many anti-LGBTQ right-wing politicians have been unwilling to support an inheritance tax, LGBTQ people have been able to acknowledge and support the need for this. The right’s inability to admit and support this is detrimental to their mission of solving the problem of people being unable to have satisfying heterosexual lives.

Although LGBTQ states of being could be typically (and perhaps always) changeable, LGBTQ people have convinced others that they can’t change since they haven’t been able to and others don’t know their perspective. So, while they have convinced others that their fates are sealed because we can’t prove it to be otherwise, what can’t be argued is that society can end dynasties of privileged nepotistic wealth without taxing inheritance at anything other than 100%. This has caused many people to become torn between parties and feel like anyway they look at it, they are going to lose.

It’s not hard to see why, one side facilitates something as absurd as sex change surgeries, and the other is even the slightest bit less effective at ending privileged wealth in some key ways. Suddenly the act of not supporting rainbow capitalism or gender transitioning becomes synonymous with supporting the right for some leftists. And, of course, vice versa for the right.

Considering how irrational some of these right-wing politicians are and how much the left has protected the LGBTQ’s rights to make inhumane and impractical amounts of money, society must solve a crisis that many haven’t identified or admitted exists. And since politicians and law enforcement feel like they have been placed on an inescapable bed of nails due to their unspoken obligations, citizens must take action to find ways to solve this issue themselves.

It should no longer be considered acceptable for people to stand with these parties if they refuse to accommodate those trying to make this change possible. Citizens should just stand with the policies they like and refuse to extend their names to organizations that do not recognize these absolute truths. The problem was never having a government; it was having a government that polarized people and forced them to vote against their own interests to achieve a lesser evil. People who don’t understand how governments run shouldn’t be permitted to vote.

Rainbow capitalism has become one of the world’s most terrifying and vestigial bull markets. Instead of solving humanity’s inability to find satisfaction, they have decided to sap every last penny they can out of prolonging a problem that seems like it would be the least of our concerns in the future. Though this problem is easy to solve with the proper perspective and information, it’s actually quite costly to prolong. Think of the shock that trans people have to go through when they discover they were capable of having more satisfying lives all along. Think of all the LGBTQ celebrities out there and their supporters. They have had obnoxious amounts of luxuries for years while people in developing countries have practically slaved away for their impractical lifestyles. Make no mistake, these people are not standing for others’ rights to know the truth of their power, they have too much pride in themselves to admit they were wrong and help us fix the problem.

One of the reasons people admire gay people who achieve incredible feats is that they have been able to accomplish their goals without even operating on the same pleasure and reward system. However, humanity should become more interested in the bigger picture of reality and care to know the mysteries of their existence. Their severance from those with reproductive obligations has caused them to pursue physical pleasures rather than mental ones. Their lack of awareness of the intrinsic rewards available to those who solve the puzzle of these sexual restrictions has caused key aspects of their psyche to remain dormant. Instead of chasing gold chains, luxury cars, and sensory-overloaded thrills, people should seek inner peace and work towards breaking their mental shackles and unleashing their true power.

It’s time for humanity to synthesize and master the link between matter and mind. If homosexuality were genetic, it would be our duty to master the conditions that cause the gene to emerge so that other incarnations don’t have to put up with limitations and restrictions. People are capable of freeing their minds and bodies from bondage. Authenticity, empathy, and accountability for one’s faults are the keys to the shackles. Self-control requires the utmost introspection and awareness of one’s surroundings.

Many gay people believe they are special and unique or gifted, yet it can’t be said that homosexuality has helped these people out in any sense of the bigger picture or the true nature of reality. Who’s to say they couldn’t have achieved what they wanted to achieve if they could understand themselves and the world around them better? For how talented some of them have been, it seems possible that some could have been practically superhuman if the illusions of matter hadn’t deceived them. Despite being unable to distinguish between real and illusory limits, their guts and psyches have still been right about many unhealthy personality traits that should be kept in the shadows. Many often come so close to the causes of their limitations that they can breathe on them despite failing to put the pieces together.

Despite LGBTQ people’s different lifestyles, it would be helpful to be fair to them and refrain from acting absurdly out of spite. People who have denied aspects of reality to LGBT people have partially contributed to the split in mentality and modes of being. There’s no reason to go overboard with shame or hate; people should simply develop an argument that is persuasive enough to change people’s minds.

One method that could be effective at persuading people is the Socratic method.

The method was created by Socrates, who taught by asking questions and drawing out answers from his pupils to challenge the completeness and accuracy of their thinking. These questions are designed to clarify concepts, probe people’s assumptions, rationale, reasons, evidence, implications, and consequences, and question viewpoints, perspectives, and questions. Some examples could include:

  • What does it mean to be gay?

  • What made you sure you were gay?

  • What makes you so sure you were born gay?

  • Are you sure you’re not just saying that because you’re biased?

  • What makes you so sure that you haven’t just assumed you are born gay because it’s all you’ve ever known?

  • What do you think would have caused you to be born gay? What purpose does it serve humanity?

  • What research or studies are there to back up these claims that you are born gay?

  • Do the data or findings make sense? Have the conclusions been validly drawn?

  • How do you know if the research is done properly or if the person who conducted the research is credible and unbiased? What are the implications of this assumption? What would be the result if we assumed this to be true when it wasn’t?

  • If homosexuality is genetic, doesn’t that mean that gay people who reproduce will cause it to emerge more? If gay people can make so much more than straight people, wouldn’t that cause this genetic trait to emerge more, just like natural selection and selective breeding have always done?

  • What makes you so sure that your sexual organs wouldn’t enjoy heterosexual sex better if you were able to have it?

  • Why do you think I asked these questions?

There’s no need for society to spend a bunch of money on creating new gay conversion therapy camps. A good psychologist should already know the answers to these questions and be able to supply the knowledge needed to experience a transformative change. If they don’t have them, they are just too corrupted by nepotistic interests or lack adequate introspection and self-awareness. However, a good psychologist is not always easy to find. The more we allow nepotistic corporations and people to encroach on the boundaries and freedoms of compassionate and merciful human beings, the less time and funding people will have to learn the real truth and teach it. Rainbow capitalist businesses constantly beg the question and ignore pressing issues and concerns with their CSR campaigns. It’s time for society to become more accepting of those who attempt to solve the sexual restrictions these individuals face in more optimistic ways. People should start by bonding over issues they agree upon and work towards learning how to create a future where everyone can be what they want to be.


The Sex Work Industry

