The Sex Work Industry

The sex work industry is one of the most controversial markets in the world. Partially because it is illegal in many parts of the world but also because many of the world’s most popular legal porn sites have catered to perversions and fetishes that are so strange they are practically unspeakable. The sex work industry provides many remedies to relieve sexual urges, such as lap dances, pornography, sex toys, and prostitutes. However, despite its many thrills, the sex industry could be the guiltiest of causing sexual dissatisfaction. It could even be argued that only a tiny fraction of the products and services provided could possibly benefit society.  This page identifies the sex work industry’s norms, products, and services that have left people financially exploited and dissatisfied.

Strange Kinks and Fetishes

One of the most complex parts of creating a meritocracy is getting people to agree on how much a product or service should be worth. In the sex work industry, one would think that products and services would be valued based on their ability to satisfy; however, a reoccurring problem with the sex work industry has been that people can’t agree on what satisfaction is. With the endless number of ridiculous kinks out there, it’s fair to say that many in the industry have no idea themselves. Some may beg to differ; however, a little investigation proves that the majority of the industry is overrun by an epidemic of not being very sexy at all. Strange and malicious kinks are the industry’s most popular and expensive.

No matter how unreasonable these kinks may be, it’s important to remember that they manifested for a reason. Every event has its cause. So, where do these kinks stem from? To understand the emergence of these strange sexual norms, we must look at people’s first encounters with the industry.

Since many adults believe that porn and masturbation are normal and healthy things to participate in, many youths have done the same. The primary concern with children watching and masturbating to porn is that they rarely consider how twisted the pornstars would be if they were to reciprocate the action. Of course! The models would be pedophiles, and the children often fail to understand that all they are doing is enabling statutory rapists rather than sexually preparing themselves to be cool sex gurus. Getting off to porn is essentially like a form of Stockholm syndrome for children. This also makes it very hard for the untainted child’s psyche to have an orgasm to it as well.

Yet, since children have an immature understanding of evil and don’t understand that healthy minds could never consider it attractive, they continue masturbating and seeking more perverse porn until they orgasm. Many children who have participated in this have failed to warn others because they are too ashamed to do so.

The perverted subject matter eats away at their fragile psyches until they are intellectually and emotionally distanced from their gifted peers who no doubt have been walking amongst them, aware of their vulnerabilities all along. This is the fundamental pitfall that nearly everyone in the industry has fallen for. Yet are porn and masturbation even healthy for adults to participate in?

Masturbation and Porn

Though many doctors, nurses, and famous people are neutral or supportive of porn and masturbation, plenty of intuitive research suggests that they are regressive. Findings show that masturbation causes people to become accustomed to their own touch and desensitizes their sex glands to the point where they are unreceptive of another’s touch. People have spent hours jerking off in front of their screens every day until they look like zombies. This has caused people to create a movement called no fap, where they share their horror stories of masturbation and document how their lives have improved after abstaining from masturbation. Though many have had excellent results, many people still struggle with masturbation.

Research on porn addiction also shows that porn desensitizes viewers to healthy experiences because it bombards their minds with images of their ideal or preferred body types, regardless of how irrational or unrealistic they may be. People skip putting in work to find someone with their ideal body type because they can look at endless amounts of these naked bodies whenever they want. This peer-reviewed research article also found that frequent porn users showed significant brain changes similar to drug addicts. Many have even begun referring to pornography as the new drug.

So, what can be done to help those who struggle with porn and masturbation?

Unfortunately, government health resources on sex and masturbation lack discretion and provide regressive advice that can set people up for failure and dissatisfaction. A quote published on on April 1st, 2019, says, “Masturbation is a healthy way to explore your body and your sexuality. It can also be a way to learn more about your sexual likes/dislikes.”

Though it’s understandable how a naïve person who lacks awareness could think masturbation is harmless, the truth is it prevents us from connecting with our profound inner self. This inner self is the only mode of being that can bridge mind and matter in a coordinated and balanced way. People often push away their inner self while it is trying to stop them from masturbating or watching porn because they don’t want to acknowledge it or hear its warnings. Thus, we must educate people on the deeper reasons to avoid porn and masturbation.

Since masturbation is quite different from real sex, it wires the brain much differently. Many people who masturbate often report being asexual, despite watching large amounts of porn. This is because masturbation allows one to stimulate their sex glands with much more control and force. Despite the fact that masturbation is much less pleasurable than real sex, it has desensitized people’s sex glands to the point where only their own grip or touch can provide enough stimulation to cause an orgasm. This causes people to escalate to more extreme genres to chase an ever-fleeting and unattainable feeling of satisfaction.

Whether people like to admit it or not, masturbation also contributes to the emergence of non-heterosexual desires. The process of getting off to the feeling of one's own touch conditions people to become sexually attracted to the body of their own sex. People of the same sex who have become accustomed to their own touch are also, in some ways, more equipped to please each other because they pleased themselves in this way. Though many people will argue with this explanation due to the amount of research that claims to prove that sexual orientation is biologically determined, it is still a very rational explanation. LGBTQ people often befriend people who claim to have fluid sexual orientations, which change depending on the person or circumstances, and don’t think much of it. Therefore, it should be acceptable to suggest that this explanation could be plausible because it is so simple and intuitive.

Many males who masturbate also go on to stimulate their prostate with anal masturbation. Though it’s possible for any male to orgasm from the prostate with enough stimulation, this practice leads to a submissive position, which prevents the inner spark from being fully unleashed. These desires are further instilled in people because governments, health organizations, and men's and women's magazines misinform about anal and masturbation. Though they sometimes talk about the risks involved, they often fail to educate people on how these behaviors prevent more satisfying experiences from occurring. Though it cannot be denied that people think it’s enjoyable, people only take part in it or enjoy it because they don't know what they are missing out on by not taking part in it.

Non-Profit organization Planned Parenthood, which is considered by many to be one of America's most trusted healthcare providers, says anal sex is perfectly healthy and safe in both the long and short term. This makes Planned Parenthood an ethical concern for those seeking sexual satisfaction despite its success in protecting women’s reproductive rights. It could also be asserted these irrational behaviors prevent people from developing self-control, which results in more unplanned pregnancies.

Society has gotten to the point where it considers those who try to make inferences and connections between things like anal, masturbation, erectile dysfunction, and homosexuality to be bigoted propagandists. This is primarily because people are sexually insecure and ignorant of the higher law, which cannot be escaped. For all the sexual orientations LGBTQ people have invented to describe their sexuality, it should be reasonable enough to say they have more in common with each other and heterosexuals with erectile dysfunction than they would like to admit.

Gay people often don’t want to consider the possibility that they weren’t born that way or that there could be a way to prevent others from experiencing their restrictions. However, gay guys are often emotionally drawn to female friends. Perhaps their bodies still biologically favor the companionship of a woman and don’t want to accept that a solution could be this simple. No one has taught them any other way.

Though some people think that the entire world should be bisexual to experience more sexual pleasure, the truth is that heterosexual sex is much more satisfying because it sacrifices this other side. If having same-sex relations didn't impede the satisfaction one could feel from heterosexual sex, all of the world's brightest would already be doing it. Since the male and female bodies have evolved to experience intercourse in a harmonious and satisfying way, cultivating firm and exclusive attractions to the opposite gender should be considered a crucial goal of any pure mind. Insisting that all LGBTQ sexual orientations are biologically determined fates or that same-sex experiences are more pleasurable than heterosexual sex automatically prevents one from reaching their highest sexual potential.

People need to understand that a higher law governs our bodies and cannot be escaped. Sexual reproduction relies on a combination of opposites and similarities. Sexual reproduction allowed living organisms to evolve from primitive earthworms to advanced and intelligent ones. It’s why people don’t find their family attractive, while earthworms reproduce with themselves.

There's no reason to think our species will need people to have LGBTQ sexual orientations in the future if it can find a healthy way to prevent them from emerging. Though LGBTQ people can perform many spectacular feats, the unideal nature of their sexual preferences prevents them from connecting with their partners as deeply as heterosexual people can. Though some may find it stressful to break this news to people, change is at least possible for some LGBTQ people, and the results can be much more satisfying than one would ever expect. So, there is still hope that those experiencing these unideal sexual circumstances can still cultivate more fulfilling experiences.

People should find solutions because solving problems of sexual dissatisfaction and ending the market for vestigial sex toys and pornography could free up billions of dollars that could be better spent elsewhere. A healthy sex life also holds the key to living without ostentatious luxuries because it allows people to feel an unbeatably pleasurable feeling without needing to spend any money. Therefore we must take a deeper look at what is unmerited about the porn industry.

A great way to see what's wrong with the porn industry is to take a look at what videos people gravitate to. As mentioned earlier, the most popular porn videos online cater to very extreme and perverse kinks and fetishes. A porn site called X Videos was, as late as March 2021, the world’s 9th most visited website. While it’s dropped to 11th as of March 2023, records show it has a lower bounce rate than all the websites above it. Some of its top videos for March 2023 include a homeless woman humiliation compilation, rough BDSM, and one where a woman who practically looks like a grandma has a bisexual threesome with young adults.

The top 10 pornstars on another site called Pornhub (the 12th most viewed worldwide in March 2023 and as high as 10th in the past) all do something as perverted as anal. Many videos feature squirting orgasms, which they claim are orgasms that cause ejaculation to gush out of the vagina, but the girls are really just urinating. Most of the girls also do lesbian content, which is a concern because it's unrealistic to expect all girls to engage in this kind of sexual behavior.

Another good way to see what's wrong with the porn industry is to listen to stories of people who have left the industry. There have been several people who have left the porn industry to share their complaints about how they were treated. One recruiter for the industry says he would provide as little information as possible while recruiting until he can get them into an environment he can control. If they don’t want to show up, he reminds them how much he will be paying them, and if they ask what they are doing, he says we’ll talk about it when you get here. It’s like a Ponzi scheme where those who get sucked into it often try to pull others down with them to fuel their addiction. After traveling and doing makeup for two hours, the filming begins, and the models go through abuses like being beaten, spit on, and aggressively thrust until they give in. It’s practically monetized rape.

Newcomers aren’t prepared to identify those participating in it as emotionally immature predators trying to be profound. Only a puny fraction of the people in the industry would be aware or vocal about how masturbation and anal prevent maximally pleasurable sexual experiences from occurring. And can you really put all the blame on them when doctors and governments are also unaware and unvocal about it? Despite being in some ways the most aware of how unsatisfying masturbation and perversion can be, pornstars are still among the least favored to teach others to stay away.

Another tragic fact that many fail to realize is that many of the sex positions in porn are essentially impossible to orgasm in. To experience mutual orgasm during sex, the penis must penetrate the vagina while the pubic bone rubs against the clitoris. Healthy sex is about persistently grinding the pubic bone into the clitoris. This means doggy style is practically pointless because it provides no point of contact with the clitoris. The vast majority of porn videos are all thrust with practically no contact with the clitoris whatsoever. And since masturbation severely desensitizes the glands of the penis and clitoris, many couples are often unable to experience mutual orgasm regardless. The clitoris is particularly susceptible to desensitization because it has a small surface area and doesn’t protrude from the vagina much at all. Considering how much pornstars touch themselves on film alone, it’s not hard to see why they seem to ooze grandiosity from their every pore. They claim to quench sexual thirst and end up giving everyone the sexual equivalent of a glass of salty seawater.

The world’s most intelligent individuals never masturbate a day in their life. Yet, picture how hard it is to find someone who even knows this or teaches it to others. Or someone who even has what it takes to prevent a kid from ever doing the same. Rational education systems would at least get those behind caught up to where these people were many years ago. Yet ours has made it difficult for those individuals to promulgate this to others and have enough rapport to get them to identify it as the truth when presented. This has led those lost individuals to have issues finding partners and having intellectually satisfying relationships. And is there anything more pathetic than walking right beside someone with all the answers and being unable to get on the same level? Or being at the same level yet being unable to transcend with them.

They cannot fully master their inner empathic side, which allows people to feel their partner’s emotions on a deeper level. With the right person, sex can provide a more transcendental love than one could have ever imagined. However, many who claim to experience this love are still far from reaching their true sexual potential. So we must help them recognize this for their own sake.

Pornstars will never be capable of providing the best sex advice humanity has to offer despite the fact that many people see them as experts. Porn has led to so much sexual dysfunction that one would think cavemen had more enjoyable sex. This dysfunction has led to an epidemic of loneliness. To try and ease the agony of spending much of their sexual prime being involuntarily celibate, many individuals have turned to strip clubs and prostitutes. But do they offer anything better?

Strip clubs and Prostitution

Though prostitutes and strippers provide physical touch to their clients, they arguably make some of the most unmerited profits on the planet. They provide such a quick fix, often with no orgasm allowed. Lap dances can cost as much as 120 a half hour, and full-service sex with a prostitute typically costs around 250 an hour. Just like models have been under scrutiny for years for their photoshopping and eating disorders, sex workers have also been under scrutiny for selling products or fantasies that are larger than life or impossible to enjoy. And unlike most businesses where you pay extra for added benefit or pleasure, their kinks often cost more and drive people to further insanity and insecurity.

However, the central issue is that even if one were to pay for conventional sex, it would not be worth it because prostitutes are not smart enough to connect with their clients on a higher level. People who are ethical and live sustainably are the only ones capable of reaching these higher levels since they are already compassionate and know how to live in harmonious and sustainable ways. This means they are empathetic to their partner’s pains and emotions. Their sex is the best because it maximizes pleasure mutually.

Prostitutes’ neutral or supportive stances on perversions make them boring to have sex with. Compared to someone pure and genuinely interested in you, having sex with a prostitute can be like trying to paddle a boat upstream. You may not think it would be that different, but think about how sexy they claim to be and how much they charge you for their service. Sex work takes sex, arguably the finest non-market pleasure in the world, and markets a practically passionless version of it for more than most people make in a day. It’s the ultimate disappointment. As unsatisfying experiences cause clients to become sexually insecure, prostitutes begin to prey on their insecurities like dark masters of the ego, convincing them to spend more and more on a hopeless pursuit of pleasure. Instead of being capable of identifying the “professional” as the problem, the preyed-on client continues to look at themselves like they are inferior. Make no mistake. The lonely people who pay them and think they enjoy themselves can only be in denial. There is no other answer.

Many sex workers even provide findom, the sexual fetish of giving money to someone because you think they are better than you. However, many of these sex workers can be associated with things as sleazy as child pornography and sex trafficking, which makes them far from someone you would want to worship or reward. So, by the time clients are done, they’ve just given their buying power to someone who does the opposite of what they claim to specialize in and are now unprepared even to know how to foster a healthy relationship. Sex workers’ profits often fund organized criminal activities aswell, so when people pay sex workers, the cost to society is much greater than just the financial burden on the addicted customer.

Healthy people don’t want anyone bowing down to them on their hands and knees. Healthy people want people to stand beside them. Prostitutes rarely appreciate the hard work that goes into making an honest living. So how could they possibly be worthy of valuing a rare pure mind that stands apart from the status quo? Valuing and respecting their perverted business ventures is an absurd pipe dream in the driest of deserts. It’s like expecting cats to live in harmony with mice. Many people are already wage slaves to oppressive, controlling bosses. People will confiscate their hollow and regressive profits when the truth comes out about these vestigial services.

If society wants to legalize sex work, there will be issues surrounding the integrity and morals of those providing the services since many people lack the bravery and honesty to tell people they aren’t fit to be monetized. Think of how many filthy people sex workers sleep with. Sex is only great when you have it with someone special. The fact that they share themselves with unethical people makes their services regressive, and economies can only work properly when all products and services provide some benefit or are banned from being supplied or produced for profit.

There have been many people who have fought to legalize sex work and end what some call “slut shaming,” which is a term created to describe the shaming of women who are very sexually active. Though shaming people who have sex often or with multiple partners could be considered wrong, it could be said that many who feel they are slut shamed also take part in anal and same-sex relations, and share themselves with others who do these things as well. This means their actions prevent more profound experiences from happening.

Since most people in the industry can only find partners who engage in these sexual behaviors, they have a tough time seeing through this illusion. It’s perhaps the most significant reason gay people feel they can’t change. They simply have never abstained from these behaviors and can’t find sexual partners who have abstained aswell. Though many people miss this, it shouldn’t be so confusing when you think about it. Most people willing to sleep with them would already have relatively small libidos. The only way to get a good glimpse beyond this illusion is to refrain from masturbation and find a partner who does the same. If you want a remarkable experience, you must start there. Besides, there’s nothing brave or heroic about sleeping with someone headed straight for a dead end and not telling them. It’s kind of like brainwashing your partner or cheating on them, and it will cause you to lose your sexual prowess.

Is there any hope for an ethical sex work industry?

Society could possibly benefit from providing more ethical services to pure-minded people for a reasonable price. However, such services would just be a compromise, as people should really be using sex to encourage people to improve themselves and prevent spending money. There are also several factors that would prevent sex work from providing any benefit to society. So, legalizing sex work would be controversial and difficult, at the least.

The most pressing concern with sex work is how it prevents a healthy sex life from occurring. The most transformative love is far from a commodified experience. People with healthy sex lives are happier and live longer. Though satisfying sexual experiences with sex workers may be possible, sex work often just prevents people from being able to cultivate positive experiences. However, ensuring that some dignifying standards are met to ensure that the sex acts being monetized are ethical would improve things. Humanity shouldn’t be on the fence about making it illegal to accept or offer money for nauseating kinks like golden showers. They should be helping people out of the darkness to learn what they are missing out on by not participating in such a shameful experience.

Another concern is that sex workers often have very short encounters with their clients. Sexual partners are not meant to be one-night stands with whom we only speak once. People should build friendships with their sexual partners that last a lifetime. The people of the future should be cultivating more sophisticated pleasures.

Sex workers are also often forced or coerced to have sex with unethical people. The fact that strippers give lap dances to anyone who asks likely means that the services they provide to more ethical people are regressive anyway. If strip clubs only provided services to ethical people, it would be a great step in the right direction.

Another big concern is that people who can't find sex are often poorer than those who can. Legalizing sex work could result in people giving their buying power to people who already have enough. Some people may also refuse to have sex with anyone unless they pay. Sex should ideally be unmonetized because a healthy society should already be full of people wanting sex.

There are still cases where people may be poor and might benefit from providing sex services. Sometimes people come from special circumstances where their poverty is not their fault. Single mothers may be unable to afford babysitters or take time off work but could benefit from some intimacy. In cases like these, people should encourage a culture where people don't have to feel ashamed to ask for money to go on a date.

Sex has also been used to encourage people to reproduce and raise families. Allowing people to have it without going through the labor of ensuring that the next generation is looked after would negatively impact society. Single-wage earners who don’t want kids are a concern for those who raise families because they have more time to themselves and have fewer financial obligations. However, since the most transformative love can only be experienced by those who will ideally partner up and have kids, the problems of single reckless pickup artists could be less prevalent than people would think when the truth is revealed.

People should also consider that those who are in healthy relationships extract the most benefit from sex. Though this is good news for people seeking ethical bonds, it is also a concern because those who must settle for inferior experiences feel less pleasure, leaving them less motivated to better themselves no matter how hard they try. The world is also full of people who could benefit from intimacy yet receive none.

Some consider the imbalance between the winners and losers in life to be one of the biggest issues facing our species because it is difficult for some to escape the endless cycle of restriction once it sets in. One of the main concerns people have about meritocracy is that they worry it will reward winners to the point where they become untouchably superior and distant from the rest of humanity. Ensuring people are balanced is crucial because it optimizes competition and allows the species to provide more profound insights to one another.

Though it’s practically impossible for humans to balance themselves, there are still forces that could be used to balance our species and ensure that disadvantaged people still have a chance at competing. The force that creates our dreams exists outside of our conscious control and, therefore, could be said to have the capacity to be used unbiasedly. The ability to make dreams also seems like an advanced gift, so advanced beings must create our dreams. Since the greatest advances in human intellect have resulted from our ability to work together as a species, it seems rational to suggest that the beings who create our dreams are peaceful and live harmoniously with one another. Therefore, they could be quite suited to balance our species.

The forces that create our dreams are being used to create a divine society, and divine societies will never allow people to be unloved for long periods. There’s always enough love to go around, and the health benefits of physical intimacy are too precious to waste. The people of the future may use sex to heal power imbalances rather than accentuate them. Therefore, there may be a lot less sex work in the future than some might expect. However, the transition to this more rational society has been impeded by regressive norms perpetuated by major dating apps.

Online Dating

Another primary concern for people looking to have sex is dating sites. While dating sites are pretty rational and helpful in theory, it is arguable that all the major dating sites are regressively managed. Tinder, for example, will allow for a stream of bisexual, gay, and transgender people to be in your swipe feed when most people are only looking for straight partners. Tinder provides no option to screen applicants based on your preferences; it just marches them right into your feed and acts like they’ve done nothing wrong. This policy does not make the company more socially responsible; it just leads people to make decisions they will later regret.

Rather than being inclusive, this policy actually prevents people from realizing that the people who have the healthiest relationships would never recommend this deviant sexual behavior to anyone. Some think that they are doing humanity a favor and eliminating power imbalances by matching people who engage in these regressive behaviors with smarter people. However, the key to eliminating power imbalances doesn't lie in giving power to less fit people; it lies in giving power to people who do their part to ensure that others are informed of these pitfalls and have the resources they need to get a fair chance at making it to the top.

When power is given to people who unquestioningly condone these behaviors, it causes the disadvantaged to fall further behind. Only humanity's smartest minds can see through all the pitfalls that exist in society, and several of them have been taught how to see through them since birth. Tinder has simply taken a massive portion of the population and made them less desirable to anyone who is seeking the truth.

Another dating site, Hily, has marketed itself to attract bad girls your parents warned you about. The idea is that parents are too rigid and structured for young people who crave something more kinky than their tastes. This of course invites the same perverted fetishes that only end in shame and dissatisfaction despite how good they appear to feel to those who lack self-awareness and understanding. Rather than providing a more cool and enlightened path away from boring, tradition-directed parents, they have set up many clueless teens to get lost in perversion.

Hily’s idea of pleasure and indulgence is perhaps as grandiose and corny as the tradition-based parents’ notion of discipline and sacred ritual. It’s not uncommon to see people switching between phony religious traditions and filthy perversion like a delusional damsel in distress, either. No one should have to settle for either of these extremes. They should be trying to influence others to make positive changes rather than adapting to their dull automated wills since people have proven change is possible time and time again. People need to cultivate healthier sexual experiences because pure-minded sex is the best way to “stick it to the man”. In case anyone missed it, the world is full of nasty kinks that prevent people from reaching their true sexual potential, and there’s nothing “the man” likes more than spoiling the innocence of young girls with them.

The Humble Master

Some of the darkest fantasies in the sex work industry belong to the category of BDSM. BDSM stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism. Bondage refers to being tied up or tying someone else so they cannot move. Sadism refers to the tendency to derive pleasure, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others, and masochism refers to the tendency to derive pleasure from experiencing pain, suffering, or humiliation. Sadism, masochism, and bondage are very concerning desires because they closely relate to rape and domestic abuse. When you think about it, feeling pain or inflicting it on others is perhaps the least sexy feeling in the world. Yet people keep participating in it because the media has convinced them it is sexy and cool. Some universities and TED talks have even created videos and papers that suggest BDSM kinks and fetishes are healthy. Their influence on humanity is very powerful and constantly prevents people from having satisfying sex lives.

Though BDSM’s blood-sucking dominatrixes and “dungeon masters” are regressive, it’s possible that humanity could benefit from healthier versions of dominance and submissiveness with pure-minded intentions. Instead of being cruel dominators and leaving people on their knees, society should get into the fetish of leading people out of the darkness. Healthy people won’t have sex with people who are stupider than them to take their money, get their fix, and leave them lost in the dark. Humanity should practice the art of denying sex to people who do not meet high ethical standards and abundantly reward those who work hard to meet their expectations for their own sake. However, healthy expectations may be far from what people involved in the sex industry would expect. In other words, their expectations may be staying substance-free, being honest, eating healthy, and boycotting unethical people and companies rather than just maintaining an aesthetically pleasing appearance (all of which are essential on the path to liberation).

Though the smartest in society will always be among the most pleasurable to have sex with, there are many different paths people can take to be attractive. Athletes and fit people belong to a grey area between lust and natural beauty because they can attain physiques that many academic types can never maintain or achieve. Their strengths should be valued as they provide knowledge on the limits of human potential that allow society's most brilliant minds to live longer. Nevertheless, people must be reminded that their athletic bodies alone aren’t enough to make them more desirable to have sex with than our world’s brightest minds. Humanity still, unfortunately, struggles with shallow feelings of lust for these individuals.

A short investigation of the top-rated women of all time on Reddit's NSFW fit women threads shows that almost all of them sell anal sex or girl-on-girl porn and use trashy wording in their titles to draw people in. They are out of touch with the pure-minded and too hedonistic to cultivate more sophisticated sexual experiences, which is concerning. People would really appreciate them going the extra mile to maximize their sexual prowess.

Unethical, physically attractive people can be the most dangerous enemies of all. Think of all the celebrities, politicians, and athletes involved in scandals over the years. Maintaining good fitness is essential to the self-actualization equation, but people should remind others not to exclude other critical aspects. Pure-minded superhumans will not sexually share themselves with unethical people, no matter how “beautiful” and “law-abiding” they may be. Though this may seem pointless to some, the rewards are so wholesome and motivating that people would feel little to no temptation to pursue any other pleasure once they know what they are missing out on and should be working towards. Just because sex workers are available at any time of the day and don’t expect you to become a better person doesn’t mean they will relieve your sexual urges. The only people who will ever truly satisfy you will be those who require you to balance your strengths.

Don’t waste your money on sex workers, erotic massage, pornography, or sex toys. Don’t bother testing them to see what they’re like. People have already tried them out, and they’ve done nothing but lead them in the wrong direction. The only people still selling them are people who don’t know any better and want to dupe others into the Ponzi scheme. Instead, seek friends and partners with self-control. If your partner isn’t going to support your needs for them to be someone who isn’t going to masturbate or indulge in perversion, then you don’t have to stay. Regarding this path to sexual satisfaction, you mustn’t stay unless you have no choice. Be clear with your partner about why you need them to follow these rules and explain the benefits and reasoning behind them. If they can’t recognize the truth in this knowledge, they aren’t as aware as they think.

Many people will lie and act like they support their partner’s bad behavior because they worry they won’t find anyone else. Society should consider abstinence the lesser evil; however, it’s also recommended that people attempt to talk to their mates about any behaviors they feel are leading to dead ends in the realm of inner peace and fulfillment. It’s a great service to teach others how regressive sexual behaviors can be an identity crisis for all who cannot recognize their causes and effects.

People need to demand quality from their partners instead of just going with the flow of their unconscious wounds and flaws. People only complain about those who don’t support LGBTQ sex acts and demand high standards from their partners because they are unaware of the rewards. They don’t understand that the benefits of these expectations are so superior that they make meeting them a no-brainer. Since many LGBTQ people have gone to extreme lengths to satisfy their sexual desires; one would think they have what it takes to pursue higher pleasures if someone would just show them how to. People will be much more motivated once they discover where these pitfalls are and get their first taste of these spiritual rewards. Yet society continues to value people who engage in regressive sexual behavior more than hardworking, pure-minded people.

Society cannot afford to leave people in the dark because they need to utilize their true potential. Society must attempt to understand why people struggle to have satisfying heterosexual sex lives and offer possible solutions. For all the pathetic band-aid fixes for sexual dissatisfaction out there, it's time people started providing free solutions. Who would want to pay pharmaceutical and sex toy companies to try to solve these problems when concise conversations on sexuality and ethics could solve these problems and change people’s lives forever in minutes?

The longer people procrastinate proper education on these sexual limitations and their causes, the more they will have to pay the price down the road. There are legions of lost people falling so far behind their peers that their kids will never get the chance to escape the limits they could not conquer. Then there’s the jealousy and domestic abuse that results from it all. Society is meant to operate in a balanced and lateral way rather than a pompous hierarchy. Prostitutes are some of the most pompous elitists around. They rarely do anything extra unless they get paid more. Even if the person paying them is more intelligent and caring, they won’t do more unless they get more money. Not even a free massage would not be enough to buy more time with these soulless vampires. They are only interested in money and drugs.

The sex work industry is not prepared to tend to your sexual needs, and those inside their circles do not possess the self-control or knowledge to make it safe or worthy of participation. They have been too brainwashed to leave the circle of jerks and see through the illusion. Pop culture and the media have further pulled the wool over people’s eyes. It’s time for humanity to foster a culture of purity and absolute truth that conquers this disappointment once and for all. No two individuals are ever going to be on precisely the same level. So you might as well help someone get on your level. Teach them how to escape their bondage. It’s time we master these restrictions and shine through the darkness.

Sex Symbols in Mainstream Media

Society’s notions of what good sex and healthy relationships are have always been skewed. Humanity just hasn’t fully come to know itself yet. Yet the media has only made this worse by perpetuating regressive sex norms. This culture is so prevalent in mainstream media that it becomes nearly impossible to instill more positive sexual values in people once they have been brainwashed.

Modern cinema is full of portrayals of characters who meet at rowdy parties and get drunk before having what is supposed to be the best sex ever. People rarely realize they must be sober to have the rawest and most enjoyable sex. They assume that since they feel “better” when they impair their senses with substances, that sex can only be enhanced with drugs; but only unaltered states can provide the sensitivity needed to maximize pleasure. Many people also have felt divine inner love but have turned it down because they think they can have it with someone more prosperous or famous.

Messages and social norms broadcast by the mainstream media also reinforce the sex work industry’s regressive stance on perverted sex acts. People have become inebriated by the grandiose themes of senseless sexuality in mainstream media. It’s constantly paying id-driven celebrities who worship perversion way more than practical, pure-minded individuals. And their images dominate most media outlets. Radio stations in public places play artists who make salaries that no meritocratic wealth distributor could ever rationalize. Though many see them to be the epitome of sex appeal, people rarely realize how bad they are.

An Image of Rihanna from her Music Video S&M. Rihanna was declared the richest female musician in 2023 with a net worth of $1.4 Billion.

People who smoke cigarettes and wear marked-up designer clothes could never be the most enjoyable to have sex with. Yet, people are obsessed with celebrities who do this because they are so famous and wealthy. This prevents them from connecting with people on a deeper level. People only insist grandiose products and sex trends are enjoyable because their favorite celebrities make them look acceptable. Stars have too much influence and money for the vulnerable observer to resist. By the time their shallow narcissistic pruning is done, the victim is practically doomed to be a permanent fixture of the ethically inadequate herd.

A prime example of the mainstream media’s perpetuation of regressive sex norms is Rihanna's “S&M” music video. In the video, Rihanna holds a man on a dog leash and sings about how whips and chains excite her. But how could anyone be happy thinking that the most profound people to have sex with use whips and chains in the bedroom? It may seem like just a little music video to some, but Rihanna is the wealthiest female performer. So, her video has undoubtedly had a tremendously negative impact on society, regardless of how kind she really is in the real world.

Many other famous people negatively influence society through their lack of objection to perverted behaviors. Celebrities such as Tommy Lee, Tiger Woods, Kid Rock, Marilyn Manson, Gene Simmons, and Drew Carey have all been reported as having relations with porn actresses. They have all won awards that are very prestigious to the mainstream media despite leading people to keep making the same mistakes. People constantly assume that the system would not allow unmerited people to get rich and get duped because the system often only allows unmerited people to get rich. Most at the top don’t even know what true merit is, and those at the bottom fail to realize that their consumer habits are practically the only controls on the market.

Think about how strong athletes are, how privileged the royal family is, and how intelligent the upper class has become. The average working-class citizen can hardly get their lover’s attention amidst all the distraction and rigged competition. When you think of how much time the average person has to improve themselves compared to these celebrities with their fortunes, it should become apparent how difficult the system has made it to discover what true beauty is and how to emulate it. Professional athletes, supermodels, and celebrities are constantly paid enormous sums and seen as sex idols by the masses; however, their services cannot technically be classified as human needs for society. So why should we consider these famous people to be A-players in the game of equality?

There must be a profound power of attraction that can only be extended to those who don’t participate in perversion, greed, and jealousy. People who aren’t willing to allocate wealth ethically will never be sexier than those who work dirty jobs that must be done and protect others’ rights to equality. It’s impossible to take hard work and emotion out of your life and still look authentic when you’re at the top. People who don’t support ending wealth inequality will look more like ditsy sex workers than one might expect if they see past their rose-tinted glasses. If they were sexier, they would have already enslaved the entire planet by now.

People who are poor or have made mistakes in the past would be considered by many to be insane to deny sex to these unethical power figures, but the truth is that if they knew what they were missing, they wouldn’t find it very enjoyable even if they willingly consented to it. Though people could be happy with the bare necessities so long as they can improve themselves, the status quo’s vision of happiness makes it difficult to enjoy life, even with the most sophisticated technology. Many artists also spread the message that it’s not all about looks or money despite living lifestyles that are much the opposite. This hypocrisy constantly prevents people from experiencing a deeper love that could be felt when people demand higher ethical standards.

Taylor Swift’s portrays her conflicts with anti-LGBTQ activists in her music video “You Need to Calm Down”

A prime example of this hypocritical culture can be seen in Taylor Swift’s “You Need to Calm Down” music video. It shows many different celebrities with LGBTQ people standing up to some hicks that are protesting their normalization of LGBTQ sexual behaviors. Taylor Swift and her posse are seen enjoying time with one another in a low-budget trailer park. The video romanticizes not needing money to be happy while making fun of low-income hicks.

Though it could be said that their rejection of the hick’s Christian fundamentalism, poor communication, and reasoning skills is somewhat positive, it cannot be said that their careless disregard of the higher law is something that can be admired. If loving couples that raise kids want a satisfying sex life, they cannot afford to support paying LGBTQ Celebrities millions of dollars more because they need enough money to give their kids a fair chance.

The unconscious mind that governs our bodies is susceptible to the slightest impurities, and the only way to tap into it is to live in harmony with others rather than exploiting them. Taylor’s crew may seem harmless, but they have contributed to an intolerable increase in wealth inequality. Their wealth disparity is far from subtle. They may give people the impression that they're rags-to-riches success stories who have made their own way, but a closer examination shows that they're all upper-class citizens who have had plenty of opportunities thrown their way.

The person with the highest net worth in the music video was lesbian talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, and her estimated net worth was $330 million. It’s impossible to create lasting peace with people who think gay people should be allowed to have a net worth of $100 million because no one should be allowed to make that much.

Taylor Swift has also been raised to billionaire status since the filming of this video. Many leftists who typically consider all billionaires to be unethical often buckle on their boundaries and consider her wealth to be justified as well. Yet whether she likes it or not, her fame and fortune have made her an integral part of the wealth-hoarding agenda. It can also be said that her unique involvement in the agenda, in some ways, contributes to it in an unparalleled way. So, people have a good reason to be upset with her regardless. Their unapologetically glamorous culture has doomed so many people from experiencing the transformative love that can only be experienced by those who keep the general collective’s best interests in mind.

The worst part is that Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Adam Lambert, and Ryan Reynolds, all of whom are in the video, made “sexiest person alive” lists despite being so ethically contrasted to ideal role models. Taylor and Katy were Maxim magazine’s hottest girls alive in the past, and many saw that magazine as a “softcore” or “holy” alternative to porn. Taylor Swift has also cast a trans model named Laith Ashley as her love interest in one of her music videos. It's unrealistic to expect women to be ok with having a trans person as a lover. Yet, many have been pressured to feel this way because Taylor Swift has become so popular that her Eras tour broke the record for the highest-grossing concert tour of all time.

Many of Taylor’s fans have heard of how photo editing and larger-than-life movie plots have caused people to have low self-esteem. Yet, many fail to see how cruel it is to expect people to be okay with such a wealthy performer promoting the twisted beauty standards of sex change surgeries. Taylor’s culture has also prevented people from finding the source of same-sex desires sooner. This puts her fans in an awkward position when the truth about transgenderism comes to light. And the media still insists she's done great things for feminism. Yet how could any divine feminist seeking equality consider her a good role model?

An image of Taylor Swift portraying a romantic relationship with transgender model Laith Ashley in her music video “Lavender Haze”

Taylor also had no kids as of 2024 despite being famous since 2006. The government should compensate for this accounting nightmare with taxation and legal action. However, this song and video perpetuate a constant cycle of hate and contempt for those wanting to end the wealth disparity. While the unbridled anger of the hicks in Taylor’s video is never positive or resourceful, the way she tells them to calm down functions like anti-revolutionary capitalist propaganda.

People cannot be expected to support these celebrities having such atrocious buying power over people whose beliefs have been, in some ways, more rational and sustainable for our planet. In a rational world of higher law and ethics, those who support her massive fortunes would have already lost their jobs. Taylor has failed to serve humanity's best interests. She should feel grateful to live in a modest house and earn a modest wage if it would mean that society could advance to a higher level. If these celebrities want to escape with a reasonable amount of their fortunes, they should at least admit how their culture has negatively impacted society and make amends for it. There’s nothing sexy about exploiting people and taking away their ability to enjoy the pleasures money cannot provide.


It’s time that humanity seduces one another to a more rewarding and sexually gratifying path. Impotence and celibacy would have been easy obstacles to overcome had we been more honest with ourselves and our partners. Our planet has been running unsustainably for too long, and the amount of destruction we will face if we don’t solve these sexual frustrations is unjustifiable.

Sexual liberation is critical to reaching the next stage in our evolution. People only fear making personal sacrifices for a more ethical and sustainable future because their lifestyles have prevented them from enjoying what they already have. Humanity will never be able to cure its seemingly insatiable desire to live unsustainably until people can have more satisfying sex lives.

Perversion may seem tempting and superior to some; however, those who have felt the difference know that people would never pursue any other pleasure if they had been educated properly in the first place. So, people should help to inform those lost in the darkness of perversion what they are missing out on and how to escape it. The world may appear unreceptive of this change, yet many are more open-minded than one might expect. When people discover how much better sex can be with pure-minded ethics, there won’t be a market for unmerited sex work.


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