

Inheritance (also referred to as an estate or will) is money passed on to loved ones after death. In some places, a percentage of inheritance is taxed. This tax is called the inheritance tax or the death tax. Even today, some areas of the world still have no inheritance tax. Canada has a regressive capital gains tax in its place instead. The amount of capital gains tax you pay is calculated with a capital gains tax rate, a percentage of what assets you will pay taxes on. In other words, if the rate is 50%, you will only pay a nominal tax rate on half the assets you inherit.

A government is only considered to have an inheritance tax if the total amount of the inheritance is limited or taxed beyond what citizens already pay for income tax. It’s crucial to always keep in mind that nobody earns an inheritance. If some people can still inherit, causing others to do the same to retaliate, we must speak up and educate others on this unfairness. Psychopathic people have tricked people for years into doing degrading and dehumanizing things in exchange for a spot in their will. This could include sexual abuse, inconvenient favours, or being forced to spread anti-inheritance tax propaganda. No one should deserve to inherit anything aside from sentimental priceless art or lessons from their loved ones. No number of favours or help for a dying person will ever be able to fix the problems that occur when a system allows untalented people to inherit an irrational advantage over another.

Society is rampant with images and messages that normalize privilege. In Canada, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau’s dad Pierre Trudeau abolished the inheritance tax as prime minister in 1971. And sources say that Justin inherited around $1.2 Million from his father. Despite how vital inheritance taxes are to a just society, no party has decided to make them a central part of their platform. These policies are so bad that even if the tax did exist and you were just lying about it being abolished, it would still be too psychopathic and inhumane to tolerate. Only the mediocre would feel they must support and uphold such a pathetic and unmerited advantage.

Monarchy is another one of the biggest elements contributing to the prevalence of inherited wealth. Although many can see why it’s irrational and doesn’t serve the interests of the whole, its influence is still strong. The royal family doesn’t have to pay inheritance tax in the UK, while the rest of the UK does. Queen Elizabeth’s image can be found on the currency of more than 15 countries, the most populated being the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. It’s time society scorches these norms and admits that passing on a system free of privilege and nepotism to the next generation is the most precious gift of all. Only those capable of seeing the value of this precious gift will be able to reach their highest potential. Since those who support inheritance are in some ways more likely to receive one, society must act quickly to find a solution to inherited wealth. Unless this practice is publicly outlawed, money will continue to flow to the most privileged and psychopathic. Since it is legal for people to inherit wealth, others are forced to participate in the archaic practice just to stay competitive. Educating people on this need to tax inheritance at 100% will strengthen the bonds between citizens and make them more compassionate. If people can change their minds by reading this page, why does the government insist on spreading propaganda?

While it is understandable that some families will need inheritance to survive when a parent or guardian dies, requiring these needs to be funded so primitively is unacceptable. Although unemployed people raising many children deserve access to more than the bare necessities, gold digger wives and husbands arguably do not. We need to get a backbone with these leeches and force them to get jobs. We cannot allow them a free ride while our foster care and social services system is unfit to give the less fortunate a fair chance. We must tax inheritance to provide those without high-earning income providers a means to compete.

What is worse than someone who supports inheritance?

Someone who will eternally protect another’s right to pass one on but doesn’t want to pass one on themselves.

What is worse than that?

A rich person who does that.

To be clear, Kevin doesn’t want to pass on an inheritance to his kids. Yet, the issue here is that a very rich and influential person, who should be among society’s most ethical, isn’t supporting the idea of creating an inheritance-free society and is poisoning the culture of justice with stale capitalist propaganda.

So much for that steely-eyed realist reputation.

The issue is not that people do not see the unfairness that has been laid out here; the problem is that the injustice is normalized by a system that has run like the Wild West for too long. Some people don’t like the idea of having rules and regulations and feel that eliminating taxes is part of the plan to return to the earth. However, taxes and public spending are the only way to coordinate our society and save our planet from environmental disasters. The pinnacle of our success is our ability to live in harmony. And this is only possible if we are fair to one another. Of course, giving someone such an unrighteous advantage over another right out the gate is unfair to the general collective. If humanity had its priorities straight, every human being in the world would have access to a computer they can use whenever they want, with publicly funded internet. Evolution does not benefit from giving people the advantage at birth, nor does it allow you to give others the advantage at death.

Our species can only evolve when everyone is given an equal shot at an education. The government should have a publicly regulated department store that repossesses the possessions of deceased people. If the orphan can’t compete in the funeral draw to win the complimentary car, then no, you’re not allowed to have it. If the orphan can’t get a free university education, why should someone with a family get theirs paid for? Regarding education and opportunity, our society can’t afford to prioritize protecting people who deny others a fair chance.

Inheritance is a predatory privilege and should unquestionably be outlawed. That is to say, 100% of the total estate should be taxed at a rate of 100%.

Unless your deceased loved one is passing on some art or a letter to you, it likely could be beneficial to someone else. Low-income families have it a lot harder than people realize. They will only recognize it if they are informed and reminded often. For years our inventions, tools, and machines have advanced, yet no human being has been capable of creating or forming a government where they can say they have made a 100% inheritance tax in this land. People who fall behind or don’t have any friends or family to inherit from are not supposed to fall further. Not wanting people to inherit isn’t a sign of weakness or jealousy; it’s a sign of compassion. How can we justify brushing those who fall under the rug while people still get ahead of them by privilege and birthright?

If it costs millions of dollars to purchase a house in a city, why would I want anyone to own one that doesn’t support inheritance tax at all? If they own a home, why should people have to sleep on the street if they can’t be bothered to support ending privilege in a way that is as clear and helpful as this? As time ticks on, more people should adopt the opinion that inheritance should be banned. Yet several governments have eliminated the inheritance taxes they once had while lazy, spoiled citizens have reaped the killings. What would the people of the past advocating for an end to privilege think if we told them there were still homeowners who supported inheritance? What a dishonour it is to the sacrifices they have made to allow our governments to be such bad advocates for inheritance tax.

People would have never inherited such enormous amounts of money if it weren’t for so many people normalizing this greedy abuse in the first place. Why pay a lawyer to create a will when you could train and educate lawyers to prosecute people who avoid inheritance tax? Who wants to allow a society to pay lawyers top-of-the-line salaries to have such putrid unspoken obligations about such unethical laws? It’s time our lawyers become genuinely passionate about ethics and show genuine enthusiasm. We have outgrown this mentality and have had our growth stunted by it long enough.

Don’t be fooled! Support a 100% inheritance tax!

Support meritocracy!


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