The Case For Health


Employees who work in environments without compensation based on their merits are subject to health concerns. As employees begin to cut corners, their inner and outer worlds fracture under the stresses of hiding the team’s sloppy and unsafe work from bosses. When other employees don’t pull their weight, others have to pick up the slack, leaving the slacking coworkers with more energy (in the short term) and the capacity to make more money at other jobs. Jealous co-workers who envy other workers’ wages are ticking time bombs that cannot be defused with time unless their underlying disease is treated. Pitying their ignorance will only worsen them. On the other hand, if governments don’t limit how much someone can make, workers will become wage slaves and have shorter lifespans.

Experience-based wage increases are absurd; people always try to dress them up like a progressive wage system. Although good behaviour for extended periods of time is good, contractors who work twice as fast can make more than twice as much as others, while union workers are sometimes forced to make the same wage. However, the self-appointed profits of risky contractors tempt many to cut corners at the expense of their health, and can often disregulate markets and safety standards.

Unions and private businesses should synthesize their features to ensure that employees working jobs essential to society make a properly regulated merit-based wage. People shouldn’t be allowed to provide products or services that do not meet health and safety standards or without paying their employees a fair, competitive wage determined by experts.

Employees who earn meritocratic wages become more talented, work harder, and live longer. When employees are forced to respect a wage system unfit to harvest and utilize their talents, their inner worlds fracture under the weight of the masks they must wear to survive. If restaurants can offer tips, shouldn’t our healthcare workers be rewarded for working in ways with our health’s best interests in mind?

Some medical practitioners spend nearly all day sitting in chairs, hardly moving, earning only experience-based wage increases. Despite preserving the lives of many who have not accepted meritocracy into their hearts, they are still forced to work under this system to achieve their health mission. Only the mentally ill could respect someone who claims it is sane to make millions a year when doctors are salary-capped at jobs where their ultimate joy is supposed to be seeing people get better. Yet, many still advertise that this type of income is possible and even deserved.

The wound that never heals with time is the fractured human psyche, and the only cure is to stop sublimating human needs for this greed. It’s time to confiscate the profits of the irresponsible for our health. Why should our doctors be forced to preserve the lives of a few at the expense of the whole? It’s their job to tell us when something is unhealthy for us, why not allow them to tell the truth about how they are paid?

Some doctors share the same wage as others who perform irreversible sex change surgeries. How should they feel about that, considering it serves no practical function? It may seem they are paid enough, but it doesn’t matter. The frustration of having the same degree as someone who provides these surgeries amidst a shortage of healthcare professionals is unavoidable. Society should pay the student fees of people who finish their degrees, but how could they justify using taxpayer money to educate anyone corrupt enough to perform so many procedures just to look like the opposite gender? Being a good doctor isn’t about being able to do the most surgeries, it’s about being able to treat the underlying causes of disease and injury.

Only people dedicated to paying others based on merit alone can genuinely end the underlying diseases and illnesses of the world. A healthcare system that runs on experience-based wage increases isn’t dedicated to our health. If our healthcare system were dedicated to improving citizens' health, it would incentivize employees to go above and beyond and adhere to safety protocols.

The point of a meritocracy is to keep employees inspired and motivated so they can get on with their lives and achieve new levels. Meritocracy is designed to satisfy people internally and innately. It will eliminate cravings for things that don’t satisfy and eliminate the false advertising and vestigial products and services that harm our mental health. No longer will corrupt businesses be allowed to profit off harming people’s health. Those who have been fighting the good fight and living healthy lifestyles will finally get the rewards they deserve.

It should also be noted that although unions often pay all employees the same experience-based wage, keeping employees on a similar pay scale is healthy and ideal. On top of being a good goal for worker efficiency, ensuring the less fortunate and disadvantaged can catch up with the others is essential to ending the underlying causes of disease. Some people can’t compete in some jobs due to their inherited body type, and some may be unable to compete due to circumstances that are largely out of their control. Ensuring those at the top don’t make a killing off charging interest to those at the bottom or getting an advantage that causes a cycle of struggle for the others is an integral part of giving each child an equal shot at an education. How can we become our best selves if we are not provided adequate resources and means to compete on an even playing field? Their children still deserve the funding they need to get the chance to escape what their parents could not.

Our system should perhaps run in a manner that pays higher-performing employees a currency that can only be spent on leisure activities like music, sports, and video games. Perhaps the time and money these people spend on leisure and luxury could allow those behind a chance to catch up, so their children can have a fair shot at becoming whatever they want. Our system should provide a means for children to get a fair shot at becoming the smartest in the world with taxpayer money. This could mean providing nutritious food, tutoring, and after-school programs that balance their talents and skills so that no child has to live in the shadow of another. Children should never be forced to eat food that is not nutritious. Nor should they be forced to be raised by parents who are mentally ill.

For citizens to become divinely powerful, they must take on the altruistic task of paying meritocratic wages and looking after the health of the less fortunate. Those who do not retaliate against the abuses the less fortunate are forced to put up with are simply too absurd and cruel to wield the power themselves. Choose the path of purity. Decide not to use others as a means to an end but help them to discover their value and unleash their potential. In a world full of chaotic confusion, we need all the help we can get to end illness once and for all.

