Dreaming For Merit

While it can be said that most people have dreams, it cannot be said that most people understand their dreams. People may have many dreams throughout their lives but may rarely critically think and ask themselves important questions about them. Questions like how we can dream, who or what made them, what they mean, and what purpose they serve. That is why I’ve taken it upon myself to answer these questions for you. First, I’m going to explain how it’s possible for us to dream, the force that creates them, and then explain the deeper purpose they serve and how they pertain to merit and the future of yourself and the planet.

How is it possible for us to dream? Who or what creates them?

Though many experts consider dreams to be stories and images that our minds create while we sleep, this definition doesn’t necessarily satisfy pressing questions about our dreams. Although our dreams may be received by our brains, it cannot be said that they are created by our brains. Our conscious mind obviously does not construct these dreams because we’ve never made any effort to produce them or the coded symbolisms that occur within them. To say that our brains construct these complex stories and images like some magical built-in biological AI program is actually quite irrational when you think about it. How would our brain be capable of creating these images and sounds just based on the experiences that we have taken part in in our waking lives alone? The truth must be that there is some higher power or more intelligent life form that is mediating the dream experience through a link in our mind. Yet what is this higher life form, and how does it contact us?

One clue can be found in the intimate connection dreams have to our individual cultures. They are woven with symbols and narratives that are deeply personal, reflecting our unique experiences and identities. This suggests that our dreams are crafted for us by something that truly understands us. How else could they incorporate pop culture references? It must be a being that knows us like the back of its hand because it’s advanced and was once like us. So how does this being contact us?

The answer is that our biology contains a sort of built-in antenna that allows us to connect to the source of this dream architect and all other living things on the planet. It is possible to make this link because we, as a complete self, consist of two parts: a material and an immaterial. Though our brain exists in the material realm, our mind exists in the immaterial realm. The medium or ether in which our brain and mind exchange information is light because it is neither a particle nor a wave and is the fastest force on the planet. This allows it to slip past the filter of the material realm and into our minds.

There are several reasons why it makes sense that our mind and the being that creates our dreams exist outside of time and space. Since there is no being on Earth detectable to our senses that can transmit these dreams to our minds, it’s rational to conclude that this being must exist outside of time and space because it would be impossible for them to architect dreams for us from another universe due to the tremendous amount of time it would take for light to travel back and forth. And when you think about it, it would be inconvenient to have to be awake at just the right time just to catch someone right when they enter into REM sleep (the mind’s state that allows it to dream). So, just what is this being, and how does it pertain to us?

The most rational explanation for the identity of this dream architect is our future reincarnate self. Since the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can only change forms, it is rational to suggest that our minds or souls cannot be destroyed either. You see, although our mind is immaterial, it still is energy and has a vibration. It just exists in another dimension and form. This would explain the ability to create visions that are seemingly from another world and the interest this being has in us. Plus, when you think about it, it really would be pretty cruel for our only existence to be that of mere observers of this divine power rather than become dream architects ourselves. It would really make sense for there to be another part of us or an extended self that exists beyond death. Plus, this provides a very rational explanation for the very real phenomena of precognitive dreams: dreams that provide glimpses of our future.

What purposes do our dreams serve?

Our higher self creates dreams to help us on our evolutionary path so that we can someday become it. Dreams are crucial for the development of our psyches and the progression of our future. From a psychological standpoint, dreams have been theorized to serve various functions, including memory consolidation, emotional processing, and problem-solving. These theories suggest that dreams play a crucial role in integrating and processing information from our waking experiences. That is why First Nations tribes created the dreamcatcher: the creators of their dreams would use dreams to help them navigate harsh climates and solve problems in their lives. The most common theme in dreams is references to current events that are happening in our lives.

Dreams also provide us with a nice getaway from our boring, monotonous lives. This is important considering how dull life can be in a capitalist society rampant with inequality, discrimination, and injustice. Some people who are forced to work in sweatshops arguably have worse lives than they would have had living in the wild thousands of years ago. Thankfully, our dream architects can provide them with a glimmer of hope while providing no such reward to those who created their deplorable working conditions.

Our dreams also offer insights into strengths that we possess but have yet to acknowledge. When we are feeling insecure or depressed, our higher self can remind us of the value we have that others fail to recognize. Our dreams can also be nightmares that confront us with our deepest insecurities and hypocrisies in order to help us grow. So, although nightmares may seem like a cruel punishment, you could also think of them as tough love or a reward for still being someone that your higher self still has the time of day for. The fact that our higher self feels the desire to confront us about our faults in such a divine way shows that it really has an interest in our success.

How do our dreams pertain to merit?

Our higher self is a supremely merited self. It is rounded and nearly perfect in every aspect because this is the only way it could manifest such power and wield it responsibly. If this being has the ability to project dreams onto us, it has the ability to destroy us quite quickly as well. Being truly merited isn’t just about being talented at one thing or one aspect of a thing. It is about being a rounded individual in other areas of life, no matter which area we choose to specialize in. This is important because we need to be rounded individuals to ensure our children have career options and can succeed in whatever field they choose. Plus, in a world full of people who are only interested in shallow profit-based talents such as being efficient at any cost or being able to make sales regardless of the means used, we could always use a mediating spirit that can see what really matters in us. Therefore, our dreams are an excellent way to derive meaning from life in a world that is rife with corruption and suffering.

It’s important to note that our higher self possesses a moral compass that is far more profound than the politically correct and irrational one that many tend to derive from the mainstream media in our current society. Though people typically derive their moral compass based on the culture of their society, it’s essential to distinguish the difference between our society’s laws and norms and proper ethics because there is an absolute truth to reality. Some people may not think it is a big deal to be wrong about some moral issues, but the truth is that having a poor sense of right and wrong can have devastating effects on us. Though our moral compass may only be miscalibrated by a couple of notches, this could leave us miles off our mark if we travel long distances. In other words, it’s only going to take us longer to get to where we want to go if we don’t take the time to calibrate it properly. Yet our current world has not made it easy to do so. Its unethical cultures and traditions often inadvertently lock us away from accessing this dream experience, and no such key has been provided by the mainstream media even though many families have had exclusive knowledge of how to access it for years.

Unfortunately, many of the institutions of our current world are not only unaccommodating of the truth but also often actively oppose it. Dreams are a vital force of opposition to these enemies because nobody can stop them from happening, and they always have the capacity to provide genuinely ethical and unbiased information that can allow us to navigate the confusing and unnerving ethical quandaries of modern society. Some cultures even require you to have a specific type of dream before you can enter certain career paths. Therefore, it is imperative that I go through these merits and explain their importance because this power has the capacity to motivate people to move mountains for their future when it is properly understood.

How can we interpret our dreams?

To interpret dreams effectively, it can be helpful to keep a dream journal and note recurring symbols or emotions. When you see a strange theme in your dreams, start by thinking of everything you know about that theme and try to apply it to your life or current events. In the case of precognitive dreams, you may encounter themes that make no sense until you experience the event in real life. If this prophecy comes true, try to think of the event and any possible symbolism and more profound meaning it may have. Your higher self may also use symbolism and wordplay to tell you what it is thinking. It is remarkably clever, so don’t be surprised if it tells you something brilliant.

How can we have more dreams?

In order to have many dreams, we need to live in ways that respect the freedoms of others. This is because the being that architects our dreams requires us to live in harmony and balance so that we can evolve closer to becoming ourselves. Therefore, we must firmly support ending all unmerited gains. This means ending inherited wealth, gambling winnings, and large payouts from speculative trading of stocks, properties, and assets.

We must also reject free market capitalism because it does not limit how much one can gain and does not reward people proportionately based on their worth. Divine societies can only thrive when competition is optimized, and free market capitalism ensures that the few can rise at the expense of the many.

We must also reject wealth hoarding because it prevents others from getting the resources they need to get an equal shot at education and success. No one on the planet is worthy of having a billion more dollars than someone else. Even considering oneself to be worth that much more than another human being automatically disqualifies one from being worthy of being the richest person alive because it’s such a psychopathic amount of wealth.

It is also crucial that we support environmental movements and make strides towards living sustainably. People who are contemptuous of the plan to phase out fossil fuels and work towards developing circular economies with zero waste and recycling initiatives have no place. People should also consider adopting a plant-based diet as many of the diets in developed countries are so meat-heavy that it would literally be impossible to feed everyone if the rest of the planet ate like them.

We must live virtuously regarding others by setting an example that all others can follow. This means we should take care of our bodies by eating healthy, exercising, and not taking drugs or alcohol. We should also refrain from taking part in or condoning perversion and masturbation because they rewire our brains in ways that prevent the natural sexual function required to develop a healthy psyche.

We must also reject the regressive social norms in our society and its institutions, including the regressive traditions and beliefs of mainstream religion. While aspects of mainstream religion could help people calibrate their moral compass, it must also be noted how religion has preyed upon people and misinformed them. It’s not rational to say that a monotheistic patriarchal God created the entire universe because the universe created itself, and no single gender should be given exclusive rights to all that exists within it. The belief in an afterlife rather than reincarnation also leads people to live irresponsibly, and, in the case of Christianity, they often refuse to attempt to live sustainably at all because they feel that an apocalypse is imminent and inevitable. Religions have also caused people to slavishly worship on their knees, whereas the true gods and goddesses would never want to be worshipped in this way and would only want us to join them at their side.

If you’re not having luck having dreams, it’s important to remember to be sure of the path you’re on. As long as you’re living an ethical life, you’re getting closer to your goal. It took me years of working on my boundaries and ethics to reach a level where I can have dreams almost every night. There were even times when I was seemingly doing everything right, but I just had to wait for the time and opportunity to be suitable for it to happen.

It’s also crucial to remember that our higher self likely won’t want to create dreams for us every night if we are not going to be making positive contributions to our community. It could be said that certain people who are low-income or come from disadvantaged circumstances will not be expected to volunteer or donate because they are already overburdened enough to look after themselves and their children. However, the rest of us are expected to do something altruistic. This may mean volunteering or taking part in activism efforts to stop problems like climate change or poverty. We need to be resolute and selective with the causes we take part in because we don’t want to waste our efforts by aiding organizations that don’t serve the best interests of the general collective. It’s also important to remember that what the masses think is best for them isn’t often what they need.

I genuinely believe that dreams can give us the power to transform our lives and achieve things that were once considered impossible. When people can tap into this spiritual power, they will no longer be so drawn to things that are regressive or unsustainable. Rather than putting faith in a higher power that they never get to meet or understand, people can now have an intimate meeting with limitless power.

Though our current world is often cruel and merciless, our higher self is a compassionate being of mercy and unconditional love. It gives us hope that no matter what we have done, we can still rise from the ashes like a phoenix stronger than ever. We can use the force of dreams to heal imbalances within the species so that people from disadvantaged circumstances can compete and provide their children with plenty of opportunities. People will finally have the courage and support to carry on as we attempt to avert climate catastrophe and transition towards a divine and rational society that is fit to foster our evolution and unleash the full power of the spiritual realm. A society where we can indeed be free and say we are living the dream.


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