What is Merit?

Merit is the quality of being good or worthy to receive a reward.

Merit also refers to the rights and wrongs of a situation or case.

Therefore, meritocratic wages should be weighted based on what one does right and wrong because the value of merits will vary from person to person. This system ensures that employees are balanced and that those who cut corners and rig competition aren't compensated as if they are the best.

What Makes Freedom For Merit Different?

Freedom For Merit advocates for human freedoms by valuing people based on what they do right and what they do wrong. This is to ensure that opportunistic and unbalanced individuals don’t earn more than their efforts warrant.

Freedom For Merit believes that every human being contains genius, and therefore, valuing different perspectives is essential to synthesizing our differences and developing a monoculture that facilitates lasting peace and harmony and fosters balanced individuals.

Just because someone is talented at something doesn’t necessarily mean they deserve a reward.

The world is full of unethical people who excel in their fields. Yet even if they are the best at what they do, we cannot extend the greatest rewards to people who are not going to protect the freedoms of others. By not rewarding talented individuals who refuse to be ethical and humble, we are looking out for the best interests of the less fortunate and them aswell.

Only when everyone receives fair wage compensation and respects each others’ freedoms will our species be able to unleash its true spiritual potential.

This Website Does Not Conform to Politically Correct Societal Norms

Governments, institutions, and corporations are constantly pressing people to participate in and respect absurd societal norms that fracture us from one another and prevent our growth. Our current system is so irrational that it has functioned like a giant lock on our higher self that provides no key. It instills a false moral self in us that prevents us from seeing what truly matters. Therefore, we cannot unleash our true potential until this false self-image is shattered.

Despite the fact that most adults are incapable of seeing through the many pitfalls that lie on the path to enlightenment for themselves, the most merited in the world have been able to teach their kids to see through them their entire lives. This gives them unmitigated advantages over others. Yet, the only way to optimize competition and maximize human potential is to fight to give others an equal shot at an education. That is why this website will confront some of the most persistent and elusive pitfalls people face on the path to their higher selves.

Only once the masses are liberated and get a glimpse beyond the illusion can we truly have freedom for merit.

 All deserve to get paid according to what they do, how long they do it, and how well they do it, else all authenticity and virtue will perish to privilege and predatory embellishment.

Demanding Merit-Based Systems

Your children deserve a future without exploitation and a future where they can be rewarded for their hard work. Making merit-based wage systems law is the only way to end privilege and achieve world peace.

Merit-Based workplaces are essential for..

Worker Safety

Part of merit includes working safely while maintaining efficiency. If employers positively reward safety, there will be nowhere to hide cut corners. Merit-based wage systems are essential for employees to maintain proper health and safety standards.


Maximum Growth

Meritocratic wage systems increase employee morale, motivation, and efficiency. Properly weighted merit-based wage increases are essential to creating egalitarian societies that optimize all citizens to reach their true potential, rather than only the select few.


A Healthy Society

Merit-based wage systems are vital for maintaining civil, sane, and healthy citizens. They incentivize health care professionals to ensure health standards are met. People who are overpaid also wreak havoc on the health of others with their unsustainable lifestyles.

End Privilege and Make Competition Fair for All

It’s time to end unmerited gains and make merit-based pay the law. When all are given what they need to have a fair shot at competing, we will become talented enough to change the world.